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Sana wearing her uniform on her way to the main building to attend her class when she saw Mina and Jihyo sitting at the bench probably waiting for her. While walking closer to her friends she noticed they were pointing something that make Sana confused, Jihyo pointing at her direction and mouthing words something she can't understand. Finally when she get it what Jihyo means she was about to turned around but an arm was put around her shoulders, she was startled but when she smelled the scent, she smiled and slightly looked up.

"Tzu" She exclaimed.

Tzuyu just look at her and smile. Sana turned her head a little to see who's the others behind her. Of course, It's the Heiress and Momo they were smiling at her, she was surprised that Dahyun genuinely smile at her too. As they reached the bench were Jihyo and Mina, Tzuyu asked to join them since they're heading also to the main building.

Jihyo exclaimed since this is the first time she'll walking with the most popular people around the campus. Apparently, the Heiress was wearing their black sleek coat while Momo, Sana, Jihyo and Mina was in Uniformed that makes them look like somewhat a personal body guard.

As they reached the entrance, as usual students are waiting for them at the lobby, screaming and cheering.

But, it slowly faded when they saw other faces, the curiosity make the space filled like a bee buzzing.

Tzuyu rolled her eyes and continue to walk through.

"That's so silly" Momo mumbled.

Momo, Sana, Jihyo and Mina split ways to them since they have different classroom. Heiress has an exclusive room with four table with it.

In the classroom, the students stared at them like some kind of murderer.

"Stop staring or I'm gonna take your eyeballs one by one!" Momo stood as she was intimated with the staring. It was actually their eyes was locked to Sana who was just looking down.

The students stopped.

"Thank you Momo" Sana mumbled.

Since Momo came, she was becoming the 'savior' of Sana, Jihyo and Mina. People are mocking them for being closed with the heiress. There was an incident when Sana's bag emptied and her stuff scattered everywhere. Momo was their to the rescue, when she found out who's the culprit. She immediately took the revenge. The three women were down on their knees in the park, sunlight directed to them and Momo turned on the sprinklers and said.

"This time I hope you grow, bitches"

After that incident, when other students saw Momo coming in the hallway they made sure its a runway free. But now she often walk with Sana, Jihyo and Mina during school.

Sana was listening attentively to the lecturer, when she noticed Tzuyu and her friends passing by from time to time without cleared reason. It's so new to her, since there office was on the top floor and there's no need to pass that section of the building.

"What are they doing here?" Jihyo mouthed to Sana trying to remain silent.

Sana shrugged her shoulder and whispered "I don't know"

Tzuyu and her friends passed by again but this time everyone in the class noticed them, other students making noises that give attention to the lecturer. The professor glance outside but Tzuyu and others was passed through. The professor cleared his throat to continue his lecture.

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