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Zara was not understanding anything

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Zara was not understanding anything.  "why did the mystery girl disappear? why did she touch your blades why did you suddenly appear in front of her?."  these questions were stunned you, but you left it home and followed the lost path in the woods again.

The trees blurred as you passed them, changing directions each time you stopped and looked around.

You skidded to a stop.

You let out a moan, turning your head and trying to see anything that had to do with your two mates.

You REALLY were lost. 

Something was crawling on you, you turn your head and look what's on your shoulder.

Just to see a spider.

However, it didn't look like any ordinary spider.

It looked a far cry from what a spider looks like.

It was albino, three black stripes on each of its eight legs and a brown head.

He also finished off his unique look with three red dots on his albino abdomen.  The spider didn't seem to be trying to harm him, which is good.  You raise your palm in front of it, waiting patiently for the spider to crawl into your palm.  After doing this, you slowly and carefully place it into a random web.  Be kind not to try to ruin the web she could have come out of.

You get up from your crouched position and walk away.


You didn't notice that someone was watching you all the time while you were being kind to the spider.

You noticed how many webs there were, looking at them as you passed.  However, as you walked past them and looked around, you felt like someone was looking at you.

You just guessed you were being a little too paranoid, pushing the feeling aside.

Seeing something in the distance, you sped towards it.

You were stunned by what you saw, Only to see the injured inosuke lying on the ground in front of a tree that was fighting a big, muscular demon.

when the demon was about to approach inosuke, you ran towards him and blocked it with your swords.

Zara:"HOW DARE YOU HURT MY COMPANION LIKE THIS?!!" {I was very angry with that demon}.

Zara was fighting that demon while he deflects each of his sword blows.

the demon was very hard to hit.

Inosuke while laying down inosuke was alarmed seeing you fight, which made him very worried, at the same time he was happy with you defending him.


sparks of green fire entered the blades of their swords

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sparks of green fire entered the blades of their swords.

you ran up to the devil, cutting off his arms, legs and then his head, causing his head to fall and disappear along with his body.

You got tired of fighting that demon so much.

Inosuke was so amazed.  so much that I wanted to fight you, of course!.

he wanted you to BE HIS!!  AND ONLY HE...

You looked back at inosuke and approached him.

Zara:"Rest here!  I want you to be alright......where's the tanjiro?!"

Inosukein his mind he was happy that you were worried about him, at the same time he was a little irritated that you wanted to know about tanjiro...

but he still replied:

Inosuke:"he went that way!" {says pointing to the center}.

Zara:"Thank you... you've done a lot for today, now rest!"

With that Zara ran towards the center of the forest.



ZARA!( Yandere demon slayer x reader) "One piece zoro"Where stories live. Discover now