Help is not coming

Start from the beginning

"We found them." I hear someone yell. "Stay behind me. Don't move and don't say anything. If you do I won't hesitate to kill everyone you love leaving you alive and on your own." Franco says.

Before I can respond I hear multiple people walk into the room. Franco turns around looking at the people who just walked in. I look over Franco's shoulder when I hear chairs being moved.

Just before Franco's guys surround me blocking my view I see Cooper with some of Aiden's and Josh's guys. Franco walks over to the table talking to Cooper.

He lifts up his shirt from the back showing me the gun he has in the back of his pants. They talk for a couple of minutes. I try to get the guys attention but they can't see me behind all of Franco's guys.

"You've always been so stubborn Cooper. Like father like son." Franco taunts Cooper. Suddenly his guys move away from me and I get a clear view of all the guys.

Cooper walks over to me as soon as he sees me. "Did he hurt you? Are you okay?" He asks checking me. "No I'm fine. Cooper Sophia is here too." I tell him.

"I know don't worry were getting you girls out of here." He tells me hugging me. "I hate to ruin a sweet moment but that's not going to happen." Franco interrupts us.

"I told you I'm here for them and I'm taking them home." Cooper says. Brandon and Nick walk into the room making all of us look at them. Nick and Cooper give each other a look then nod at each other.

Nick walks over to me pulling me into a hug. He pulls me away from Cooper and Franco pulling me next to all the guys. "Sorry son but I can't let that happen." Franco shakes his head.

"You remember what Bryce and I taught you right?" Nick asks me. I look up at him and nod. "Good Brooklyn you're going to have to give it all you've got okay." He adds. "Okay." I respond.

I look over at Cooper to see him attack Franco. It takes me a second to respond as I see all of Franco's guys attack the rest of the guys. I look behind me when I feel someone grab me.

One of Franco's guys starts dragging me out of the room. "No." I tell him and elbow his side as hard as I can. "You bitch." He groans out letting me go.

As soon as he does I run away from him. I look around seeing all of the guys fighting Franco's guys.  "Where do you think you're going?" Franco asks grabbing my arm.

"Let me go." I say trying to get out of his grip. He slaps me across the face causing me to stop pulling away from him. "I'm sorry I killed your guy. But he was trying to force himself on me. I didn't intentionally kill him the gun went off when he attacked me."

"I have to live with that for the rest of my life but it was either letting him get his way or fight back. The gun shot was an accident I wasn't trying to kill him." I say.

Nicks words keep replaying in my head. "If I have to fight for my life then I'll do it." I then punch him. He lets go of me from the shock and grabs his jaw.

He looks at me his eyes darker than they were before as he lunges forward. He tackles me to the floor landing on top of me. "I've had enough of you." He tells me as he tries to punch me.

I block his punch elbowing him in the face. I push him off me then get up from the floor. I quickly turn to look at him while he stands up while taking the knife out of his pocket again.

"Let's finish this once and for all." He swings the knife forward. I jump back barley dodging the knife. He cuts my stomach while I try to knock knife out of his hand.

"Brooklyn." Nick yells when Franco cuts me. I'm able to get the knife out of his hand kicking it away from him. "I'm fine." I tell Nick. I punch Franco again.

"You know I really hate that Cooper has to loose someone else he really cares about." Franco says punching my stomach knocking the wind out of me. He takes that opportunity and grabs me again. He grabs the knife off the ground running  it down my cheek making a small cut. I wince loudly at the stinging.

"Let her go." Cooper says. I look up to see him standing in front of us holding a gun up and pointing it at Franco. "You know how this business works." Franco tells him taking the gun out from behind him.

"She was defending herself." Cooper says. The sound of a gun shot echoes the room then Franco's grip loosens around me. I look at him as he falls to the floor I see Aiden behind him removing his finger from the trigger.

"We gotta go." Aiden says running up to me. My entire body weakness and I loose my balance. "No, stay awake Brooklyn." Aiden picks me up. I pass out as soon as he starts running out of the room.
I open my eyes to see I'm in the back of a car. "What's going on?" I ask softly. "She's awake." I hear Bryce yell next to me. I look around seeing Bryce crouching down next to me holding a cotton ball with alcohol near my nose.

"Where am I?" I ask trying to get up. "Take it easy Bee. You passed out for a few minutes." He says moving the cotton ball away from me. I look around when everyone runs up to the car.

I start to get out of the car and Bryce helps me. "Franco is he?" I ask. "No I shot him in the leg." Aiden shakes his head. I look around once I'm out of the car to see we are still at Franco's warehouse. As I'm looking around I don't see Josh anywhere. "We should take her home she needs to rest." Nick says. "We need to take care of the cuts she has." Bryce says.

"Let's get her home then we can do all of that." Aiden says. Everyone nods agreeing with Aiden. Sophia walks over to me tears in her eyes. I walk up to her pulling her into a hug.

"I'm sorry." I tell her tears stinging my eyes. "Don't apologize you didn't do anything wrong." Sophia says hugging me back. "You kept me safe the entire time. Because of you I'm safe." She whispers.

She pulls away wiping my tears when she lets go. "Let's get you home so you can get those checked out." She whispers. I nod slightly looking at Cooper when he walks up to me.

"I'm so sorry." He says looking down. I lift his head up pulling him into a hug. "Hey you didn't do this. It's okay I'm fine. It's not your fault." I tell him.

"Thank you for keeping Sophia safe." He whispers. I smile softly nodding at him. We let go then we all decide to get into the cars. Bryce and I go in Aiden's car and Sophia goes in Coopers car.

The entire drive back to the house I'm quiet. I'm in the back sitting down next to Bryce. I look out of the window the entire time. When we get back to the house Bryce helps me get out of Aiden's car. He helps me up the porch and into the house.

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