Chapter three

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Tara's POVI get out of bed and get ready for work

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Tara's POV
I get out of bed and get ready for work.. I get into my car and drive to work. I park and walk in "good morning Tara" a nurse says "good morning" I say smiles, I look at papers and my eyes widen when I see the name 'Madison Teller, room 8', I put it down and walk into her room to see her crying "you okay?" I asked, I think I scared her cause she stops, she looks at me "holy.. yeah I'm okay" Madison says

"so why are you in the hospital?" I asked, "I got shot in my arm and stomach" Madison says looking away "who did it?" I asked walking over to to her "I don't wanna talk about it.. specially with you" she says still looking away

"Okay but if you do I'm here" I say, "okay.." she says "well I'll be back to check up on you later" I say "okay bye" she says "bye" I say walking away

Jackson's POV
I walk into the club to see my mom, Clay and Logan "morning guys" I say "morning" Clay says "I'm going to see Maddie, you wanna ride?" I ask Logan "yes" Logan says "okay let's go" I say, Logan and I walk to madison's car and we get in. I start to drive to the hospital "has she said anything about the other reasons?" I asked as I look at the road "no she's never has" Logan says "hm okay I might ask her today" I say getting to the hospital parking the car

"okay just let me know maybe she'll talk about it just between you and her alone" Logan says We get out of the car and walk into the hospital, we start to walk to Madison's room but get stopped from Tara "who did that to her? Was it you?" Tara said looking at Logan "what? Me? No! Never!" Logan says "No it wasn't Logan.. Tara, it was Hells Angels" I say, I see her face go white "you mean the one club that killed.. Emily?" Tara asked

"yes.." I say "I'm sorry Jax" Tara says "it's fine.. she's alive.." I say "when I got to work today, and found out she was in here, when I walked in her room she was crying.. the bad cry I haven't seen since everything went down hill.." Tara says

"I'll go talk to her?" Logan asked "if she lets you" Tara says "She don't talk to anyone, she keeps it hidden" I say "she will talk to me I just know it" Logan says "if you say so" Tara says looking at me "go ahead and talk to her then" I say

Madison's POV
I've been staring at the wall after Tara left my room.. All I've been thinking about is Emily and the other things I haven't told anyone else, I mean Emily knew them but I don't have her anymore, the Hells Angels killed her right in front of me.. I haven't talked about the other reasons why I let town... I haven't talked or even thought about it since it happend.. I should right? I should talk about it, it will help.. "hey baby" I hear at the door, I look over to see Logan "hey" I say fake smiling at him "how are you?" he says walking over to me "I'm okay, in pain still" I say "yeah you will be in pain for awhile I bet" he says "yeah probably I mean I did get shot" I say, I look over to Logan seeing him sign

"Sorry, I'm not really in the mood" I say "it's okay babe" Logan says "is Jackson here?" I asked "yes" Logan says "where is he?" I asked "oh talking to that Tara girl" Logan says "oh okay" I say  "what's wrong?" Logan says "nothing why?" I say lying "no your not! Tara told us she saw you crying this morning" Logan says "of course she did" I say signing "I promise I'm fine. I did almost die! I got shot" I sat looking at him "I know I'm worried that's all" Logan says

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