Chapter one

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Madison's POVToday is the day

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Madison's POV
Today is the day.. Logan and I are driving back to my home town, Charming.. I can't wait to see my brother, mother, and step father, I miss them so much, but I also miss everyone in the club, I smile over at Logan as he puts on the radio, and the song that's playing is "It's you" by Ali Gatie "oooh, I like this song" I say "oh I know babe" Logan says looking out the window. I started to sing as I started to drive

"It's you
It's always you
If I'm ever gonna fall in love
I know it's gon' be you
Its's you
It's always you
Met a lot of people
But nobody feels like you
So please don't break my heart
Don't tear me apart
I know how it starts
Trust me, I've been broken before
Don't break me again
I am delicate
Don't break my heart"

I can feel eyes on me, I look over to see Logan staring at me "your a really good singer babe" Logan says "Aw thanks log" I say smiling

~few hours later~

We get into my town, goddamn that was a long car ride "you nervous?" Logan asked "yea kinda, I mean haven't been home in a few years" I say driving down the roads, I remember as I was little "I bet, I am nervous tho, I get to meet everyone" Logan says "yeah yeah I bet you are" I say as I check the clock '10:30am' "hmm yeah everyone is at the club" I say as I drive there, as we get there I see guys outside. Everyone stands up and starts to walk over to my car, as I park.. I get out and smile "you guys really gonna walk up on me? I'm not scared" I say smirking,

I see Jackson just stop walking and stare at me "Madison?" Jackson says "yup it's me" I say, I watch Jackson run over to me and hug me tightly, I hug him back tightly, I feel tears on my shoulder "are you crying Jax?" I asked "no.." Jackson says wiping the tears "yes you were, you little cry baby" I say smiling "I just missed you sis" Jackson says, "I know, I missed you too" I say, I look around to see everyone staring, I look to see Opie, I start to run over to him "omg Op" I say hugging him "omg? Maddie? Omg" Opie says hugging me back "I'm so sorry, I heard about Donna!" I say still hugging him

"It's okay, it's been awhile since it's happened" Opie says hugging me, I let go to look at him "your so grown" he says "I know" I say, I kiss his cheek and walk away, Clay comes up and hugs me, "omg sweetie" Clay says, I hug him back "hey dad" I say.. yeah I call Clay dad, my dad died when I was young so Clay is the only dad I've had "I've missed you" Clay says "I missed you too" 

"Why am I hearing that my daughter is here?" I hear a lady say, I smile to myself knowing it's my mom, I turn around to see her "mom?" I say "Madison!" Gemma says, I run over to her and hugs her tightly, she hugs me back tightly "omg omg your here?" Gemma says putting her hands on my face looking at me "yeah mom I am" I say smiling, "I've missed you" Gemma says "I missed you too" I say

"So little Teller is back in town?!" I hear behind me, I see Tig "ha yeah I am Tig" I say "you grew up so much" Tig says "I know" I say "so um who's that guy in your car?" Bobby asked "my boyfriend Logan" I say waving at him to come over here, Logan gets out of the car and walks over to me "Logan this is, my brother Jackson, my mother Gemma, my step father Clay, Chibs, Opie, Tig, Juice, Bobby, Happy, Piney, and that dude idk" I say putting at them "hello" Logan says "I'm Half Sack" the boy says, I nod "so your dating my baby sister?" Jackson asked "yeah" Logan says "how long?" Opie asked "a year" Logan says "you taking care of my babygirl?" Gemma says "yes ma'am I am" Logan says

"How have you been little Teller?" Chibs asked "I've been good" I say smiling "how long you staying?" Clay asked "I'm not for sure" I say, I look over at Jackson "so you have a kid and not tell me?" I say "How do you know these things?" Jackson asked "I have people" I say "so your have a son and not tell me?" I say "sorry sorry Sis but wanna see him?" Jackson asked "yes Jax!!" I say "okay let's go to the hospital" Jackson says, I nod "come on babe" I say "met you there" Jackson says getting on his bike "alright bro" I say getting in my car, same with Logan. We follow Jackson to the hospital

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