Chapter 13: Lavender in the mud

Start from the beginning

I grab the guy by the collar and pull him closer, "And you better pray it's option 1..."

As I let go he runs off without another word while I look back at the rest. "Walk away..." They all obey easily.

I turn around to face Yuri and sigh, she sat back down on the edge of the fountains and stared at her book on her lap. Before I could even say anything I noticed a tear fall onto the cover. I quickly kneel down and place my hand on her shoulder and reached a level to finally see her face.

"Yuri...come on, those assholes don't deserve the satisfaction of you crying."

Her voice comes out in a broken whisper, "B-but they're right...I'm a freak.."

I sigh and stand back up and sit next to her with my hand on her back, rubbing it gently. "It's never wise to accept the words of the people that harm you."

"It's obvious they know something about you that I don't and they're using it against you..but people only do that because you're different and why does being different always have to mean it's bad?"

She stays silent while I do so as well. She tries to calm down as I see her head perk up, she takes a deep breath while holding the book close to her chest and not a moment too soon. The bell finally rang as our heads turned towards the main building almost in sync, I got up from the edge and looked back at Yuri who wiped away the remainder of her tears and stood up as well.

"I...still need to thank you for helping me...again-" Her shy voice reached me as I smile and turn to her.

"There's no need Yuri...I'm always going to help my friends, all you need to do is tell me when something's wrong." I place my hand on her shoulder.

"Can you do that?" She looked back at me with a slight sore in her eyes but responded with a smile followed by a light nod.

"Great! have to tell me what I need to know.." Her smile fades away but soon walked past me and whispered in my ear before disappearing into the crowds of students making their way to class.

" 'I'll tell you at the club' huh?" I said to myself recalling Yuri's words as I made my way to class. Reaching my classroom I could notice Misha at his usual desk right behind mine who also noticed me walking along.

There was no contact between us for the first few classes until I note down a small message and flick it behind me as it lands on Misha's table. Hopefully he sees it as a request and not a threat to get beaten up.

I don't fucking know how guys make up! What do I even say to him after getting him to the cafeteria?

As break came along it was as embarrassing as I hoped, Kegan and Saito were kept off the hook about what happened and for the best and I managed to talk with Misha. I sure as hell didn't give him a batman backstory but explained to him that he doesn't need to worry about me butting in on things again and we just shook off the sappy ass conversation and moved on.

I left the cafeteria and noticed Natsuki near the water fountain, filling up her bottle as I decide to sneak up behind her and calculated all the consequences of what I'm doing.

Lean over and whisper in her ear,

"Boo~" I was met with a yelp from Natsuki follwed by a splash of water to my face as I step back and chuckle.

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