To Save A Friend

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"Oh, what's taking them so long...?" Crusher hissed as he waited at the park.

"Crusher! Crusher!"

"Guys? What took you so long? Where's Pickle?" the blue truck panicked.

"Long story short-- the ringmaster of the circus is evil, he's been kidnapping and abusing sea animals, we set them free, but we got caught, Pickle is actually a sea witch, and he's in trouble SO WE NEED TO HELP HIM!!" Sparkle said quickly, catching her breath at the end.

"WHAT?!" Crusher's eyes widened before growling. "So THAT circus is back..."

"You've been-- oh... you and Pickle were both captured by that maniac..." Blaze said.

"Yep." Crusher hissed.

"Crusher... why didn't you ever say anything?" AJ asked.

"Because I don't trust land creatures." Crusher growled. "I never did, and you can see why,"

"I get that," Blaze smiled. "But... if Pickle is a sea witch... what does that make you exactly?"

"A... A mermaid," Crusher admitted.

"Really?!" Sparkle squealed. "Soooo AWESOME!! Can you do magic? How can you control your tail? Can you give US tails too?!"

"Yes, Yes, and I don't know," Crusher sighed before turning to Blaze. "Now where's that circus?"

"Just near the dock," Blaze spoke. "And don't talk us out of not coming-- you know me better than that."

"I... wasn't planning to," Crusher rolled his eyes.


Pickle whimpered as he was whipped inside his tank for what he could guess the fifth time for that hour.

"Someone's gonna come for me, you know!"

"Yeah, yeah, sure, freak, sure," the ringmaster smirked and raised the whip again. "It's been almost 2 hours. NO ONE is coming for you!"

"You're wrong..."

The ringmaster turned to see Crusher and the Blaze family standing near the entrance and exit of the back area, providing no escape.

"Oh, it's you idiots again." he growled and held the whip to Pickle's face. "Make ONE move, and I'll hit him again!"

"You make that one move, or me and the rest of the cops will move in!" Blaze snarled, having his phone on speaker, Officer Anna on the line.

The ringmaster snarled, glaring at the red truck before dropping the whip with a hiss. Crusher grinned, eyes glowing green before blasted the tank, freeing Pickle.

"Thank, buddy!"

"Officer Anna, move in!" AJ called.

Officer Anna and another cop moved in, placing handcuffs on the ringmaster, who scowled.

"I'll get you ALL for this!! Henchmen, escape!!"

The henchmen glanced around before throwing boxes around, causing a distraction and giving them a chance to escape.

"Oh no, you don't!"

Crusher raised his tires, which glowed green, and magic seaweed wrapped around the henchmen, trapping them. The henchmen squirmed around with a hiss as the officers grabbed them.

"We'll take it from here. Blaze. Thanks for the info." Anna spoke.

"Thanks for the assist, Officer Anna," Blaze smiled and waved as they took the criminals away.

"Crusher... he's gone now. We can go home!" Pickle smiled.

"Yeah... home..." Crusher gave a weak smile.

"You okay?" Pickle frowned.

"Honestly? No," Crusher shook his head, tears starting to roll down his cheeks. "It's been years, we've taken down that one guy who was hunting us down, but... but no one came for us. NO ONE BOTHERED TO FIND OR HELP US! NO ONE CARED!!"

"Crusher, I'm sure-"

"NO!" Crusher turned away. "If no one... no one wants me home... I'm not going home."

With that, he dashed off, out of the tent and away from the group.

"Wow... I don't think I've ever seen him like this..." Sparkle sighed.

"Me neither," Pickle sighed.

"Maybe you and I can go talk to him, Pickle. Let's go."

Pickle nodded and followed after Blaze to follow their friend.

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