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That night, the circus was partly quiet. The trucks had brought in plenty of sea creatures, that whimpered and struggled in their tanks.

"Shh, shh, it's okay," Crusher told them.

"They're all scared, Crusher," Pickle spoke.

"I know, I know..." Crusher sighed. "I am too,"

"What do we do...?" Pickle sniffled.

"Uh... lemme think..." Crusher looked around before finding a key next to their tank.

"If you can grab that key with your tentacle, maybe we can unlock this thing!"

"I can try..."

Pickle slowly swam to the top of the tank, which their 'master' left opened for some strange reason. He slipped his tentacle out of the start and reached out of the key.

"Almost... got it!" He grabbed the key and held it out towards the padlock. "Now let me just…"

He took out another tentacle to help him hold the padlock while he unlocked it with the key. Crusher hissed, worried as he watched his friend free them.

"Come on, Pickle, you can do it…"


"Yes!" Pickle cheered/whispered as he unlocked the tank.

"Wait... we probably need to disguise ourselves!" Crusher cried.

"Good call!"

Pickle waved his hands together before  spreading the magic towards both of them. They were lifted out of the tank and set down on the ground, forms changing into trucks of dark blue and emerald green.

"Wow... nice! Okay, now we need to set our animal friends free!" Crusher exclaimed.

They headed to the tanks and unlocked used their bigger, stringer truck forms to carry their tanks. One by one, they headed to the nearby dock and set the animals free into the sea.

"Come on, let's leave before they notice we're all gone!" Crusher suggested.

Just as they were about to jump in with their friends, a voice from the tent snarled through the air.


"Let's get outta here! Quick, toward those trees!" Pickle cried.

They told their friends to go then they zipped towards the trees immediately. They peaked out to see the boss appear with his henchmen, frustrated as he saw the sea creatures leave.

"DRAT!! They all got away!"

"What do we do now, boss?"

"Find more and CAPTURE them!" the boss growled. "We need animals to lead the circus, after all,"

"Yes, boss!"

Crusher and Pickle sighed in relief as they watched the trucks leave, making their way further to the dock.

"I guess we need to stay in these forms for a while, just until we know we'll be safe." Crusher murmured.

"Yep," Pickle nodded.

They let out another sigh before heading off, further into the land until they reached a city. It was bustling with other trucks, driving forward and back as they did their own business.

"Well... welcome to our home away from home..." Crusher winced.

Pickle frowned as they drove to an alley for some alone time. As soon as they were alone, he turned to him.

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