Chapter 4: Princess Lessons

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"Martha, did you buy all of his bread yesterday?"

"Yes your majesty, I did."

I smiled at Martha. I actually ordered her to buy all of Jack's bread since it will make his family happy, and I'm thankful that they were. "Every teatime, serve these bread to mother and father, please?" I requested to her. "Oh, but I think they'll question it! They exactly know what the Royal baker's bread tastes like." She said. "Well then, serve me these." I told her. "Yes, your majesty." She said then left. I entered my room, and picked up the book I'm currently reading, 'The Princess and the Pauper'. I flipped the pages to Chapter 26.

"Princess Amethyst went out to the garden to take her stroll, when eventually, someone frightened her from the bushes of her flower garden. It was the stable boy, Steven. She was glad that it was him, not her fiánce, Prince Edmund. They talked for quite some while, and danced gracefully with the moonlight shining on them. Slow music played in the back ground and they felt like they were dancing high above the ground. They were so happy when suddenly-"

"Princess Rapunzel!" Martha called for me, and I am deeply disappointed. I was just about to read the next part! "Why Martha?" I asked her. "Madame Riana is here to see you." I grunted. Madame Riana is my mother's childhood friend, and she teaches me all sorts of princess lessons there is for a princess to know. And I hate the fact that my reading time gets disrupted just to give way for her princess lessons. I hesitately went down to welcome her.

"Princess Rapunzel! Nice to see you."

"Same to you, madame Riana."

I curtsied and bowed before her, as any princess should. "Now that you're here, I'll explain to you the proper poise of a princess. You should be able to pass all the tests I would give you, otherwise, you won't be able to get the freedom you want." She said. Ugh, like she's my mother! "Yes madame." I said. "To start! You should balance this encyclopedia on your head, and walk from this pole to that pole towards you." She said. She placed an encyclopedia on my head, and it's hard to balance. But, I can manage. "Straighten up your back, hands on your tummy, Raise your chin slightly and walk gracefully to balance the encyclopedia on your head!" She exclaimed. I did what she said, and managed to get to the other side. "I did it, may I go?" I asked her.

"Not a chance! That's just a trial. Two books for a change, no?"

"Um, isn't that a little heavy?"

She shook her head. "Your mother and I used to do this when we were 15 year olds. I must say, she's quite fond of it! But, me, I just supported her, but she supported me back so I was able to do it. Now, on your account, I'm supporting you. Especially, you're gonna pick a husband on the tenth!" She said. Madame Riana isn't so bad. "I don't think I want to pick a husband, madame Riana." I told her. "Why not?" She asked. "I'm not ready for the political society, and how would I know if my soon-to-be 'husband' is my type? They're just gonna line up in a row and I'm just gonna pick in favor of my liking, am I right? That's not fair at all!" I protested. "It's not the end of the world. You still have a chance for divorce. You need a husband so that he could also take care of our kingdom." She said. "That's not my point madame." I told her. "Then if not, what is?" She asked. "I want to be able to pick and love freely." I said.

"Before we proceed, I'll listen to what you have to say, then."

"Thank you. I honestly am not fond of love and other stuff, but I'm trying."

Her eyes stared at me which made me nervous, but it's alright. "My mind is always fixed on books. And the books I read are fiction, that's why I just dream! All the books I read are romance, yet I can't bring myself to find one of my own. I'm not interested in crying about heart breaks and jealousy, I just want to treasure my remaining days as a free princess. But, I don't think I really am free. I feel as if a part of me is taken away as all these happen! I wasn't able to enjoy my years of being alone. Single not ready to mingle at all! That's why I don't want to get married." I explained.

"I couldn't agree more. But, the decision doesn't lie within fate, it lies within you."


Madame Riana put down the two books and sat on a chair. "I used to love your father. Though I know for myself he would pick Liza since she was more capable of the life of a princess. I just had to let go. You see, being a princess is tougher than it looks. Especially, when you don't know how to decide." She said and I get it already. "You mean, no matter what I do, I just have to decide for myself?" She nodded. I hugged her. "Thank you. May I go?" I asked her. "Not a chance, princess. 3 more lessons to go." I grunted. We did a lot of lessons, but in the end, I enjoyed madame Riana's company.

"Alright! You did well."

"That means I can go?"

She nodded. "Yes! Thank you! Please tell Martha I'm going to town." I told her. "Why the town? I thought you were reading?" She asked. "I have friends I want to talk to!" I said and quickly made an exit to the stables. I took one of the horses and rode it to town. There was only one destination in my mind. Jack's house! I forgot to remove my crown and put on my cape. Gosh. I just have to move around swiftly so nobody would recognize or notice. I arrived at Jack's house and immediately knocked on their door. He answered it.

"Who's there?"

"Jack, open up please."

He did and I went in. He closed the doors. "What manners. But I noticed you rush in." He said. "I met with my tutor today. We talked about lots of stuff! And with that, I learned that I could decide for myself. I could decide if I don't want to marry or who I would want to marry! Set aside all that, I can choose. I have an option! I just have to decide whether to use it or not." I told him with a grin. "Why do I have to listen to your statement?" He asked. What an annoying boy! "Because you're my friend? And friends are there for their friends." I said. "How long have you been alone?" He asked me. What is he implying?!? "I've lived with my parents for 17 years. I think that's enough evidence I'm not alone?" I answered and he face-palmed. "I'm sorry to say but your way of defining 'alone' is way too basic." He said. "What's alone for you?" I asked. "Alone is not being with the one you love, the ones you care about. The ones important to you that if they're gone, you'll feel depression." I scoffed. "Well...that's too dramatic!" I exclaimed.

"Alone is not a word to be taken lightly, princess. You have to be sincere about it."

"'Alone' is just a mere word. You don't have to take it seriously."

I don't like his way of talking. It's too dramatic. I don't need drama in my life. More or less want it! It's not any of my business, but I don't want or need it. "When you call off the husband-picking or whatever you call it, are you deciding for yourself or for the whole kingdom? You'll be the future queen. Can't you think for once?" He told me. "I came here for your support! Not so that you could just mock at me!" I said. "I am supporting you! In means of letting you realize if your decision is to what it truly is or is just a decision you made for yourself, not thinking about other people!" He said. I haven't really thought about it. I'm the future heir to the throne, and all I think off is I'm not yet ready. When will I be ready anyway?

"Thank you, I'll be going."

"Wait. I'm sorry."

Tears began streaming in my eyes. I wiped it away. "No, it's not your fault. It's mine for being too selfish! I've come to a more selfless decision." I think that my decision this time is for the best. It's for the best so I don't have to budge it. "On the tenth, I'd be picking a husband. And if he can help me run the kingdom, I'll marry him truly." I said. "Punzie, you don't have to." He said. "Please, call me Rapunzel." I said and went out of their house. I rode my horse and went back to the castle.

"Princess Rapunzel!"

I heard Martha calling me. "I was so worried! Good thing Madame Riana knew where you've gone." She said. "Martha. I've decided." I told her. "What your majesty?" She asked. "Please throw away all of my books. It's time I learn lessons from mother and father. But, I have one request." I said. "Yes, your majesty?" She asked, and I smiled at her.

"Please don't throw one book in particular."


Okay, I've updated. Thank you all for waiting that long. Lol

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