Chapter 1: Bread For the Family

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"Bread! Bread!"

"Jack, it's enough for today."

I'm patching up to sell bread today. My mother's very sick so I need to earn lots of money, and no one seems to care about bread anymore these days. All they buy are chicken and potatoes. It's hard to harvest this time of the year. Crops dry to quickly, that's why they import crops during the first week of August. My sister, Emma stays with me whenever I sell bread. Even if I tell her to watch over our mother, she insists on helping me to sell. But, I couldn't do that. She's still so young.

"Jack, let's go home. It's already 5 in the evening! My stomach's aching and my head hurts."

"That's why I told you everyday to quit following me and stay with mother."

Emma grunted and finally gazed at the castle on the hillside. It was beautiful, and lights were gleaming out of it. "I wonder what it's like living in a castle someday, Jack." Emma started to bring that topic out. "I'm pretty sure it's nasty! Would you want to wear gowns all day, and carry those big frills around you? And, wear heels all day until your feet gets sore?" I told her. "At least we don't have to worry about any problems at all. Mother will have a doctor to help her heal, and you wouldn't get to sell bread anymore! We would have tons of food to eat, tons of clothes, and thousands of bubble baths a year! Also, I would want to study." Emma said, upset.

"Someday soon, you'll live in that castle."

"Are you sure?"

I carried her in my arms. "Of course! And they'll call you Princess Emma Overland! We'll travel all around the world with mom! And she wouldn't be anemic again. She'll heal eventually. I promise." I told her. "Cross your heart?" I nodded and moved my pointing finger into a cross direction over my chest. "Cross my heart." I said, and we went back home, carrying a basket of the unsold bread.

"Mom, we're home."

"I-I'm glad."

Mom continued coughing on her hanky. "Did you sell some bread today, Jackson?" I nodded. "Quite few. But, we'll get there. We still have dinner." I told her. "I hope so. When your father and I were still meeting each other, the great crisis happened. All crops dried out. There was a famine all over the land. The King and Queen couldn't do anything about it. I hope it wouldn't ever happen again." She said, coughing. "Don't worry mom. When that happens, I'll make sure to salvage any food I can. Just to keep us three alive." I told her, and she smiled. It has been 5 years since father died. Emma was just 5 years old, I was 12. Coping up with it was a hard thing. Especially, I never thought I would lose such a great father, and worrying mom about it was also unacceptable.

"Emma, prepare the plates, and let's eat."


Emma prepared the plates, and I went to the cupboards to see if we still have matches to light up the center table candle. "When is electricity coming back, mom?" I asked my mom. "Not too soon Jackson. They cut our electricity supply off. We haven't been paying for months." I feel she's very upset about it. "Don't worry, we're gonna pay half of it soon. And then, someday, we're paying it full!" I said, trying to cheer them up. "Come on Jack! I'm starving." Emma said. "Hey mom, join us for dinner." I told her. "I'm not hungry." Mom said. "You need to eat everyday, mom." I said. "I can't eat bread forever. I need protein, vitamins and minerals." She said. "It's not like you should starve yourself either." I said, and gave her a piece of bread. "Go ahead." She said, and went back to her room.

"What's wrong with mom?"

"It's just side effects of her sickness."

Emma munched down on her bread. "Mom's right Jack. We can't eat bread forever." Emma finally said, wiping bread crumbs from her mouth. "That's why we gotta keep moving forward and achieve a larger goal. Next time, we should eat roast beef and mashed potatoes! Sounds good to you?" I asked Emma. "Yes!" She exclaimed, and we chuckled, finishing our bread together. When we were done, I washed the plates in the sink, and placed them back in the cupboards. I also tucked Emma in her bed, and kissed her good night. I went to my mother's room after.

"Hey mom."

She's not responding, so maybe she's asleep. "I'm sorry you have to go under this situation. I promise we'll get back in track soon." I kissed her forehead and left immediately. I went to my room and slept in the smelly bed. I have no choice. This is what it feels like to be a pauper after all.



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