chapter 12.

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The group of friends plan on going out to the picnic, due to fuel got finish in the car they all were sitting there waiting if someone will give them the lift.

They force yoongi to stand and ask for a lift.

Taehyung slap hoseok head because of his recklessness.

Jeongguk and Nancy on the other hand was acting like they were the only people present  there.

Jeongguk back hugging Nancy and they were talking and doing God know what.

Yoongi saw the upcoming car and raise his hand but to his disappointment the car didn't stop, yoongi sigh in frustration.

Jimin got up from the seat and placed a quick kiss on yoongi's cheeks gesturing him to go and sit.

Jimin mouth "watch me" And stood there with sexy pose.

Just then the big truck made a stop just beside jimin making him startled at the sudden stop of the car in front of him.
he opened his door and gesture them to take a seat on backseat.

"Come, sit behind" He said in his deep ass voice.

There was so much lay behind the truck and 5/6 goats.

They all throw their luggage first making the goats run behind.

Yoongi climb first, then jin, hoseok and namjoon then jeongguk climb he reach out and push forward his hands for Nancy to take so she could easily climb up.

Taehyung was the last one he looked up at jeongguk and lift his hands up so jeongguk would offer his hand so he could climb up too.

But he completely  ignore taehyung  and went inside with Nancy.

Hoseok noticed taehyung and offer his hand to help him climb up.

The friends was sitting together all of them accept for jeongguk and Nancy.

They both were sitting on top of the base just the two of them.

Hosoek was busy playing with the goat, yoongi and jimin was inside the hay playing and giggling.

Namjoon was just staring at Jin and Jin was playing guitar and taehyung who was sitting alone he saw jeongguk who placed his hand on nancy's shoulder sitting too close to each other.

Jin noticed it and shake his head.

Taehyung doesn't wanted to look at them so he start looking around just then one handsome guy was passing by with his jeep.

Taehyung wave at him in a sexy manner and the guy wave at him too winking at taehyung.

Jeongguk who saw that was glaring dagger at the guy but nonetheless start mingling with Nancy again.

They played a song and start dancing there enjoy their time in the backseat of the truck.

Jeongguk saw them may be he was about to climb down and join them but Nancy pull him and start showing something around.

They reach their destination but this time too jeongguk only helped Nancy and didn't even spare a glance at taehyung who look sad the tenth time.

Yoongi removed his shirt and jump inside the river.

Jimin was sitting and reading book and Jin was building the swing and namjoon was helping him.

Hoseok was climbing on the tree and taehyung had a fishing rod, trying to catch the fish.

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