Chapter 2 - The Capitol

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"The year 2.288," The Doctor took a pause, "And we're in Panem."

Panem? That is definitely not a name that Amy remembered nor knew. It sounded European, specifically Latin. Well, whatever Panem was it made the future sound like an old Roman Empire. Gladiators and the Colosseum. Not the greatest thing to be compared to. All of that coupled with how the Doctor said the name, it was not reassuring. At all.

Amy raised an eyebrow. She crossed her arms and said, "And... where is that?"

The Doctor glanced at River, she returned the glance with a slight shake of the head, then he plainly said, "Earth."

"Yeah, where specifically on Earth?" Rory asked.

"Why don't we take a look?" The Doctor said, clearly knowing what was out there. 

The Doctor did not have a clear expression. His face was blank. His eyes unblinking. It's not something that you see every day. Gone are the cheerful cues the Doctor often does in his usual stride. It had been replaced with a rarely seen demeanor. That of caution.

He approached the door and slowly opened it. It was just enough that his head could fit through it. His shoulders shifted just a bit as he moved his head from left to right. Then he turned back to the crew, smiling. Apparently, satisfied with what he had seen outside of the TARDIS doors.

"Amy, Rory welcome," He opened the doors, "To the Capitol!"

As the doors opened the lights of the outside world flooded in. Beyond the doors lay candy-colored buildings in the distance and people with fashion that spans all the colors of the rainbow and more! The buildings and the people (The people!) were heavily decorated. Children ran around happily, some chased one another. The TARDIS crew's fashion would look very out of place, even the Doctor's would look a bit weird. That was saying something.

The Doctor clapped his hands together, "We're only going to be here for a little while, is that understood?"

"What, but why? Is it a fixed point in time or something? We can't interfere and all that timey-wimey stuff." Amy said, her eyebrows furrowed. 

"Yes, it's exactly that," The Doctor smiled, but his eyes didn't, until it finally lit up in his next sentence, "But before we go out, how about a little bit of a wardrobe change?"

"Where is that again?" Rory asked. He thought it was a bit weird that the Doctor wanted a change of wardrobe, since he never really asked to do so much at all, but he has just learnt not to question things like that.

"First left, second right, third on your left, under the stairs, past the bins, fifth door on your left." River answered, then she grinned, "Now, father-dear, mother-dear, husband. Let's all go and change, I shall be your stylists."

The Doctor mouthed 'Thank you' to River, his hands fiddling afterwards. 

The crew came back all fully dressed in completely different looking clothes, consisting of dresses and suits.

River had a really elegant looking golden-dress going down to her ankles. She chose a dress that would not constrict her from physical activities, so the lower part of her dress was quite loose on her legs. Her whole look really suited her, especially with her wild blonde hair.

Amy came in with a shorter bright red dress with puffy ends, it only reached down to her thighs. Under it she wore black leggings then comfortable boots. To top it all off, she wore a short crimson-leather jacket. It was her usual style elevated into a more extravagant and avant-garde dress.

Rory wore a red shirt with an unbuttoned collar, a black hoodie on top of it and a long waistcoat that was also unbuttoned on top of the hoodie. He wore dark red dress pants and brown dress shoes. His eyes showed what could only be described as being 'dead-inside'.

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