Chapter Eight: The First Date - Part Two.

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At around seven at night the two angels left the restaurant, Pit ended up paying for everything despite Dark Pit's protests, normally he'd take advantage of a free meal and a drink, plus dessert, but because it was Pit, he wanted to treat him.

"Everyone thinks I'm the one that lost the bet so it's less suspicious if I just pay for it." Pit had reasoned, but he was making excuses just so he could treat his yet to be boyfriend.

After bickering for a bit, Pit payed with some hearts that he had on him while Pittoo could only watch in silent annoyance, oh well, he'd pay next time, if there will be one...

After exiting the building they walked over to the spot where they had first met up before going to Palutena's Eatery for dinner.

"Sooo..." Pit said while turning to look at Dark Pit when they reached the edge of the Skyworld garden. "Should we do something else? Or do you want to go back to Viridi's temple? I can ask Palutena to transport you if you'd like."

Pittoo thinks about it for a bit, it was only a little passed seven o'clock, so there was still stuff they could do, but he couldn't think of anything.

"I don't really care, did you have anything in mind?" He asks Pit, with a raised eyebrow. Why was he getting a bad feeling?

Pit smiled widely and giggled, without saying anything, he grabs Dark Pit's hand and drags him in a random direction.


They reached a different area of Skyworld that had a medium-sized island nearby, one that was just close enough for the two angels to glide to. They made their way to it, but not before making sure they weren't seen. Luckily there weren't any Centurions guarding this area.

"Why have you taken us here?" Dark Pit asked as he looked around curiously.

The island was rich with plant life, so Viridi would love it. There weren't any buildings on it, just a lot of trees, so it would be very hard for them to be found by anyone, good.

"You'll see, just keep up and don't get lost." Pit replies while looking back at him and then disappearing into a clump of berry bushes.

The dark angel huffs as he began to follow. "Yeah right if anyone is going to get lost it's you!" He shouted in annoyance, hearing a laugh from his date a ways ahead of him.

Pit seemed to walk down a path that only he could see, since he took quite a few turns, causing Pittoo to almost lose him a couple of times, when finally the lighter angel stopped beyond a group of trees that seemed to surround some sort of clearing.

Pittoo slowed his pace as he approached, stepping into the clearing and standing beside Pit who was looking ahead, but shot him a side glance when he stopped next to him.

The clearing was larger than he expected, and it seemed to be directly in the middle of the floating island. It was surrounded by trees and bushes of all sorts, along with a few fallen, covered in moss logs and rocks that neared the centre more than the trees and bushes, and to top it all off there was a crystal clear pond that had fish, frogs and turtles living in it, making it the centrepiece of the clearing.

"How long has this been here?" Dark Pit asked as he looked around.

Pit shrugs in response as he walks closer to the pond and sits down on a patch of grass. "I've been coming here for a long while, but I'm pretty sure it's been here way before I started to do so."

Pittoo looks at Pit then sits next him, watching the water as it's inhabitants did their own things.

"Only I know about this place, it's kinda a safe space where I come to think or de-stress." Pit says quietly while also looking at the pond.

"Wait, you think?" Dark Pit asks in fake surprise, but couldn't hide the teasing smile. "That's dangerous."

Pit rolls his eyes but smiles also, catching on that Pittoo was only kidding. "Yeah, I've come here when battle planning became too much, or after an unsuccessful fight, or when I feel sad... You get the point."

Pittoo nodded, going quiet at the thought of his crush being unhappy, hopefully if they do gain a romantic relationship, he'd be able to prevent that, or at least help him when he was.

"Even Palutena doesn't know about this island?" He decides to change the subject.

The light angel nods. "Yeah, I don't like keeping secrets from her but this is a harmless one, she doesn't need to know where I am at all times, plus if she knew she'd probably talk to me through the laurel and I'd rather be alone when I come here, this time doesn't count though because it's part of our date." He says then turns his head to look at him, pulling his knees to his chest and resting his head on them.

"Fair enough, I won't tell anyone about your secret spot, either, in case you were wondering is all." Dark Pit assures in case Pit was gonna tell him exactly that.

Pit smiled softly at him. After that they were quiet for a while, both just enjoying how calm the night was.

Before the both of them new it, it had reached nine thirty, once realising the time, Pit stood up and stretched. "As much as I hate to part with you Pittoo, we should probably get to our homes, I've actually got some stuff to do tomorrow." He sighed as he looked down at him.

The other angel nodded before standing up as well. "Yeah, but for what it's worth, I had a good time." He says to Pit with a soft smile as he stood in front of him.

He smiles back. "Sorry we couldn't do more, I don't know where else we could've gone without anyone seeing us." He apologises.

Dark Pit shakes his head. "Don't be, I prefer for us to just do nothing, simple is always nice."

Pit felt his smile widen as he steps forward to hug his clone. "Thanks, you were a great first date." He whispers then steps back a little but keeps his arms wrapped around Pittoo's shoulders.

Dark Pit couldn't help but stare into those gorgeous blue eyes, he found himself slowly moving his hands to Pit's lower back as he did so.

He blushed and bit his lip, averting his gaze to the ground in nervousness.

Pittoo moves one hand to place under Pit's chin and gently moves his head up so they were looking at each other again, face to face.

Before he could stop himself, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against the lighter angel's.

Pit's eyes widened in shock but he quickly recovered and started to kiss him back.

The kiss was gentle, almost like neither of them knew what they were doing, which they weren't. All they knew was that they both liked the feeling of the other's lips.

Eventually after a few seconds they slowly broke the kiss at the same time, staring at each other.

"Woah..." Pit murmured in a quiet tone, a little dazed from the kiss.

Dark Pit smirked at the reaction, feeling proud of himself. With a chuckle he removes his hands from Pit's torso.

"C'mon, let's get going."

He grabs Pit's hand before leading him out the way they came in.

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