Chapter Six - Harajuku District

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Once receiving my mission from Komori-san, Oji-san told me to head out as soon as possible. Saying he didn't want me to waste anytime on my first mission and to not keep the Wind Hashira waiting.

I gathered all my materials, sliding my new katana into its place on my belt and slipping on my new orange and yellow haori over it. I packed some onigiri into a tiny pouch as well as some coins in case I needed to pay anyone.

Gathering my nerves, I headed out early the next morning, waving goodbye to Ōnisama and Ōjisan.

Harajuku district was about a half day's walk away south of Ōjisan's residence. The walk was rather uneventful, though, I passed by a small village on the way, and decided to give some wisteria fragrance to them; as a ward off for Demons.

A few hours after lunch time was when I finally arrived to Harajuku. you

While I often don't go into bustling cities such as Harajuku often, I knew what to expect when I arrived and wasn't completely oblivious to modern technology.

Despite knowing what to expect, sometimes knowing will never fully prepare you for what's to come.

Just from stepping a foot into Harajuku, I was overwhelmed by the sounds. All the noises were mixing around in my head and turning my brain into much hearing the gossip and babble around me.

"Did you hear what Suzune did?"

"No! Who did she sleep with this time, Hiroyuki-san? Was is Sakaguchi from The High Tide again?"

"Not this time Misa-chan. This time it was Jun from the Sashimi place downtown."

"Shinsuke, did you get the rice from the back shed?"

"Sorry, Onesan! Let me go get it!"


"Hey, you there pretty lady! Would you mind if I interested you in some warding charms?"

"Masaki, you do this every time I have to do something important to me!"

"For god's sake, Aiko. I get it! This lunch was important to you but-"

"I'm sick and tired of you not caring about my interests Masaki, we're through."

"Come one, come all to the most anticipated show in all of Harajuku... The Ever Fabulous Kaede-chan!"

Despite the incoherent babble around me, I managed to pick up some helpful information while passing by a takoyaki stand.

"Daichi-kun, didn't you hear the rumors? About the deaths of the Misaki Alleyway?"

"Hm? What rumors are there about that, Toshiro? It's pretty straightforward."

I ducked into the stand, sliding into a bar stool a few stools away from the presumed Daichi.

"Oh you don't know!?" Toshiro exclaimed, his hands busied with making takoyaki to throw them up in surprise. "I would've thought you'd know. Considering your working on the new theater a few minutes downtown."

Daichi let out what seemed to be an exasperated sigh, "You an' I both know I don't listen to rumors, Toshiro."

Toshiro let out a bark of laughter, handing me a stick of takoyaki, despite me not having order any yet. Still, I accepted it and handed him some coins.

"Ah, classic Daichi," Toshiro mused, stirring mixing some batter to fry the takoyaki in, "Not a care in the world!"

Daichi huffed, chewing on the stick of takoyaki, "Tch, what are the rumors this time Toshiro?"

"Well, I'm glad you asked!" Toshiro grinned, leaning if in closer to Daichi, "I hear that the Midnight Killer is back at it again. Recently, they've been off the grid, but last night, they were back at it again. They killed three girls and one boy in the alleys few blocks away."

"Rumor has it that the victims were all missing their intestines and it looked as if they were eaten alive!" Toshiro finished in a flourish, accenting the dramatic declaration by throwing some takoyaki into the boiling oil, creating a sizzling sound.

Daichi groaned, throwing his head back, muttering, "This is why you're going out of business, Toshiro."

Toshiro simply laughed in response, "But thanks to you, Daichi, I haven't yet!"

I finished the takoyaki and took my leave, having gathered all the information I needed. While stepping out of the small stand, I accidentally ran into another person.

"Ah! Pardon me, sir!"

The man didn't bat an eyelid, only huffing in irritation and pushing me away a bit before continuing on his way.

How rude!

Irritated, I headed over to Misaki Alleyway, the location of the deaths and hopefully, the Demon.

Taishō Era Secret
Before departing for her mission, Karin needed to reassure Zenitsu she would be okay several times before he let her ago.

Author's Notes
Wow~ It's been how long lol
School isn't really the problem right now (surprisingly) more of writers block. But hey, the new episode of KnY came out and I suddenly felt like writing!
What do you guys think about the episode?
That's all for now!
Jā matane~

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