organ transplants

Start from the beginning

"So now you see it?"

My eyes widen as I stop in my tracks, "You knew!"

"It's kinda obvious, also I was eavesdropping on her the other day. Heard her on the phone talking about girl stuff"

"Girl stuff" I mock. My voice going up a thousand octaves. "Do you want me to bring you home?" I say turning back to be serious.

"Nah, I'm fine. Just don't let Amaranth crash and burn without me. I gotta go to class, talk later" And she hangs up the phone.

Just focus on Julie. Not my life crumbling. Clean up one mess at a time then things will eventually fall into place. Little wins right? Extinguish the little fires first.

"Where is she?" I ask as I stop dead in my tracks infront of Julie's room. Seeing the guards gone as well as the body of my wounded guard.

The doctor walks over to me with a confused look, "She's being prepped for the transplant. I can take you to her but she's kinda asleep"

I nod and let out a wavered breath, "Please"

The doctor walks me across the medical wing. Julie laying in bed as a nurse pokes her with a ton of different sharp things and other. I don't pay much attention to what they're doing to her, just her.

"Oh my" I breathe out as I can't stand to see this, "And she'll be ok after? She'll wake up and WONT have that tube down her throat?"

"Correct" The doctor nods as someone dressed in a full scrub cap and other surgical type clothing walks in, "They're ready for her"

I nod, "Give us a minute" I nod with a soft yet forced smile. The doctors leave me and I kneel to the ground so my chin is resting on her bed. I turn my cheek into the mattress and sigh, "You're getting lungs today baby. This is a good thing. A really fucking good thing"

My hand reaches out and finds hers, our fingers lacing together slightly, "Just make it home to me ok? We will figure this out now that- well I don't pay attention to the people around here but I'm sure they know. We got this"

I laugh softly, thinking about what she would say if she was awake or able to speak, "I know, I know. I'm the big shot crown prince kneeling for some girl. You aren't just some girl to me Julie, you're the only person who gets me. I don't care anymore that you lied to me, I just want you home" I stand up and lean over, placing a kiss on her forehead, "I'll see you soon darling"

The doctors come in and, with a tear in my eye, she's wheeled away to an OR.

Dear lord, please keep her safe.

A light hand taps my shoulder and I shoot awake. My head whips around at the sudden wake from the sleep I drifted into after hour six of waiting.

"Huh? Is she awake?" I stutter, looking up at Carrie in her sleeping gown yet a face of natural makeup done.

Carrie sits next to me on the small double couch and takes my hand in hers, "No, she's not awake but she's out of surgery"

My eyes soften and jaw hangs slightly, "Did it work" I say with almost a hesitation. Like i don't want to know the answer unless it's good news.

She smiles and nods, "It worked"

I can't help myself when I start crying. Those hours- days waiting have felt like I'm drowning and finally, now I'm able to come up for air. "She's ok?"

"She's ok" Carrie repeats and this makes things even more real. The tears become fatter and more warm as I try to quickly wipe them away, "Aw Luke"

I lean into her side as Carrie holds me tight. Her hand rubs back and forth slightly on the back of my clothes, quickly realizing I fell asleep in my suit and tie. Whatever.

"Wanna go see her?" Carrie whispers which almost makes my tears dry, "Let's go ok?"

She takes my hand as we walk towards the recovery rooms. My heart hammers inside my chest I think it'll puncture itself on my lungs or something.

The door opens and a curtain rod is casted around the bed. "I'll give you two some alone time" Carrie gives my hand one last squeeze before walking out.

With a heavy heart and step, I reach forward and pull back the curtain. My heart drops and more anxiety kicks in. This is when Julie would've helped me through an anxiety attack of some sort.

I open the door and face Carrie, her expression dropping to concern, "Hey Luke, it's just Julie. You got this ok?" She places her hands on my shoulders.

Like a switch goes off in my head, I shake it left to right in a vigorous motion, "Julie- she- she's"

"She's ok, I know" Carrie smiles softly.

My head continues to shake back and forth, "She's not there"

I'm back yall, and so are the cliffhangers in italics. Where tf could Julie have gone? SHES KNOCKED OUT ON ANASTASIA!

Anyways, with school and such I haven't had much time to write but I'm not forgetting about y'all... granted this chapter was ready 48 hours ago and I totally forgot to post it... so what about 12:45am on a Friday eh?



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