1. first day

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Sugawara POV

sigh. Our first day and Daichi isn't here. This is going to be hard. I hope Asahi's is going to be fine. I opened the door to greet the parents and waiting till they left to get the toys out for the children.

We only have a week to get used to these ones. Then we have to meet our toddlers.

It seems Asahi made a friend. A young short boy 'Yu Nishinoya' is his name I believe. I smile while taking care of a boy with short hair.

It's time to eat so I take the children to eat. Nishinoya stubs his toe and cries. Dammit

"It's fine I can take care of him Suga."

"Ok I'll go sit the rest down.

3rd POV

Azumane picks up the brunette and sits him on a counter in the bathroom and looks at the boys toe. It has a small bruise. "I'm going to poke your toe. Can you tell me if it hurts please?" Azumane asks. The young brunette gives a small nod.

Azumane pokes the boys toe. Tears well in the boys eyes. "It hurts.."

"I'm sorry. Can you wiggle it for me big boy?" Nishinoya wiggles his toe. Azumane sighs in relief. It's not broken. Good

"We'll get you guys ice cream tomorrow if you can be a big boy and come eat." On the inside Azumane was having a panic attack. He picked up Nishinoya and sat him in a yellow chair next to Tanaka.

All of the children ate. "Suga, I sort of maybe promised him we'd buy ice cream for all of them so...."

Sugawara sighed. "Atleast we have a way to get them to calm down."


[Time Skip]

The next day Suga opened the door. "Hey Allergies."

"Hey.."Sawamura said with a sort of stuffy nose."

"How you feeling big guy?"

"Better. Just a stuffed nose."

Azumane walks in and waves with a small smile.

"This guy got us caught up in something so we're gonna need to buy five ice creams."

"IM SORRY DAICHI!" Azumane says as he guards himself.

"It's fine. We have a way to get them to calm down today." Sawamura smiled.

Azumane sighed in relief. The children's parents began arriving. Yú being the last one to arrive. "Come on say it Yú"

"I'm sowwy we're late.."

"He didn't get up early enough this morning so I hope he has a good day today." His mother said with a smile.

Azumane took Yú by his hand and led him to the play room. Sugawara bowed towards Mrs.Nishinoya.

Yú began playing with the dolls and action figures. Azumane picked one up and after as if it was a hero.

"That's not how you play mister.."


That's how the rest of the day went for Azumane.

"I'll take over for now go chill Asahi. It'll be fine." Azumane nodded his head and sat down. Sugawara went over to ask the children what type of ice cream they wanted. Ennoshita and Kinoshita said Strawberry. Narita and Tanaka said vanilla. Nishinoya said strawberry.

Daichi went to go pick up their ice creams.

Azumane sat in his chair and felt absolutely worthless. He watched as the children ate. Tanaka stood on their table and laughed. The children laughed and played until pick up time.

Azumane left and asked Sawamura to lock up today. Sawamura agreed.

[Time Skip]

Azumane didn't show up for work today. Sugawara sighed. "What's wrong?"

"Asahi probably felt horrible yesterday and I didn't try to help. Now he's not going to be here today."

"Oh...I'll call him later to see how he's doing. Probably during nap time."

"Ok.. let's just get through today alright."

"Yeah. DoNt Be NeGaTiVe."

They both laughed. The parents arrived. Tanaka tried playing with Nishinoya and couldn't because of the way Yú was acting. Tanaka sat in a corner with a ball and cried.

Sawamura walked over to Yú. "Hey? Why are you being mean today?"

"Long hair isn't here."

"Oh. Can you try to be nice so long hair will come back?"


[Time Skip]

Like Sawamura  said he called Asahi during Nap Time. 


"Hey Daichi..."

"Your friend is mad you aren't here"

"My friend?"

"Yeah Yú Nishinoya."


"So hurry up ya got no choice Nap times almost over I don't wanna deal with a cranky kid today. "

"Fine.. I'll get ready and be right there ok?"

"Ok. See you Asahi."

Call ended...

[Time Skip]

Azumane arrived and was immediately hugged by Yú. He smiled.

"HI long hair!"


End of first chapter...

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