Preface - Introduction

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"Diaries" might not be the best way to define the chapters in this collection...

These chapters are a compilation of channeling that I have done since I started channeling in later 2019.

I channel my guides, who I have called different names over time. They started out as Josh and Amy, who I first met in a lucid dream long before channeling. They then became the Joshua Group as different "names" would appear in almost every channeling. They then became the Energy Group because that is more accurate since they are forms of energy without human-like "names". I sometimes also refer to them as my Higher Self, which is a popular term these days in New Age spiritual circles. 

I have added some personal comments to the end of each chapter, which is a bit more like a diary.

My current goal is to publish about one channeling a week, more or less in the order that the channelings were given to me.  I record my channeling with Google Recorder, which also provides a transcript. I need to edit the transcript a lot to make it "readable". 

Audio recordings of some of my channeling can be found at <>. Also on that website are articles on New Age spiritual topics that are related to channeling and more. I use to write my articles (and some poems and meditations). Some of the articles are transcripts of my channeling. I will copy those over

The External Link below will take you to a list of articles I have written about channeling, including:  

- Channeling My "Higher Self" -- How I got into channeling and how you can, too!
- How You, Too, Can Channel Higher Messages


Blessings to All Who Hear These Messages -- Alan

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