She knows...

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The next morning I woke up sore as hell and my body felt on fire from the cuts, bruises and bites. I stretched and turned around to see Giselle coming out the bathroom fully dressed. My mouth watered at her in the simple white shirt, dark green pants with chains around the waist and the side. She had her green and black jordans to match. Along with the black bandana around her neck. Her hair was up in a high bun showcasing her sexy jawline. I felt the pressure start again. But I realized she never let me taste her last night. I pouted
"Dont do that I gotta make some moves I'll be back"she said kissing me.
"I ran you a bath and bubbles and some stuff to sooth the aching" she said.
"What?" She asked.
"You never let me taste you" I said moving towards her. My ass and thighs hurt like hell tho but it was a dull pain that I welcomed. I pulled her into a deep kiss slipping my tongue inside her mouth. She moaned and grabbed the back of my neck. I felt her start to pick me up.
"You need to stop before I'm late" she said pulling away.
"Fuck them." I said pulling her down on top of me. I felt feminine and sexy the way she glided her hands down my body with a sweet tender agression.
"No. I promise I'll be right back the sooner you let me leave the sooner I can get back. Plus you really need a break I'm positive youre sore" she said.
"Yeah but you can make it worse" I said biting my lip. She picked me up and continued to explore my mouth I swear I was in heaven. I realized we were in the bathroom. I felt the cold tile on my ass it took out the fire.
"You such a little masochist. I'll be back I promise" she said. I sighed and let go.
"Fine hurry up" I whined. She kissed my forehead and then left. I looked over it was black rose petals in the tub with bubbles. I smiled because that was sweet. I jumped down and instantly regretted it.
"Fuckkk" I groaned the pain shot from my ankles to my ass cheek. My legs also still kind of numb. I crawled over to the tub. Jesus no wonder she told me to bath. I got in the hot bath and my muscles relaxed. Funny part is as much pain as I was in I would do it again. Whatever she put in the tub felt so nice against the cuts. I looked down as the red slit on my outer thigh and the bruises from my calf up. My thighs were the worse it had cuts from her as well as hickies and bruise. I bit my lip excited at the memory from each one. I noticed she put it in place no one would see. I couldnt wear shorts for a while but luckily it was winter here. I looked down at my breast covered in red bite marks and hickies dark enough to start to turn purple. I look down and realized..this bitch put my hickies on and around my breast that made a G. Goddamit she took marking me to another level. Keep in mind yall I'm like a milk chocolate and she sucked and bit hard enough to leave marks. I laughed I cant with her. I reach up for the loofah she left me and the rose body cream and washed myself.
My body was still sore but didnt hurt as much when I got out. I dried off and decided to check my phone. I had like 5 missed calls from Aidan, 2 from KJ and 4 from my sister. I just facetimed them all at once. It rang and they answered. My sister looked like death I knew she was hung over and Aidans hair was fucked up so I know what she was doing. I slipped on the hoodie I used last night and some shorts she had left me. They were tennis short so I knew she pulled them out on purpose. My ass hung out the bottom.
"Why both yall look fucked up" I said laughing as they answered.
"Bitch I'm dying from a hang over and I woke up in Jades bed so there that" Stephanie said groaning.
"Light hurts bro" she said.
"That what you get hoe and man look I got a little out of hand and Papi decided to put me in my place so yeaah" aidan said blushing then i heard.
"Long dick style" Kj blurted out. I bust out laughing.
"Shut the fuck up" Aidan said red as a tomato.
"Anywhore where the fuck you been I been tryna call you all night" Aidan said.
"From the sizes of those fucking hickies on her neck she trying to hide. somebody got some" Stephanie said smiling lazily
(A/N Ideally yes hickies are juvenile for some people but I love them I also like to be mark sooo there thats back to the story)
"What nah I mean I went home with a friend or whatever" I said looking down and pulling my hair on the side on my neck. If they saw the rest of my body it looked like I got beat up honestly.
"Uh huh when ima meet this "friend" cause you been disappearing alot lately" Aidan said using air quotes around friend.
"I mean when i feel like it going somewhere" i said half lying. I loved people not knowing about me and Zellie it was apart of the excitment for me. Plus I knew she wasnt ready to commit and honestly I'm not sure I am either but after last night shit they thought I was disappearing alot then.
"What ever I'm happy you finally got some you had been extra bitchy" Aidan said and KJ came into the screen laying behind her
"That fucking part"Kj seconded. I flipped her off.
"Fuck you" I said laughing.
"Nah ya best fri-" Kj started and Aidan put her hand over her mouth.
"You doing too much" Stephanie said laughing before Aidan could.
"Yo how yall feel about me moving up here completely lowkey I like it here and my lease almost up back home" Stephanie said.
"Shit you know i fucked with it and we got that extra room you can stay in till you ready to move. How you feel about it Aidan" i asked. I missed my sister it would be dope to have her up here especially since we got separated for so long.
"Shit fine by me as long as you clean up behind ya self and help out honestly we not even home that much. Remy always with her lil sneaky link and I'm usually with KJ unless she piss me off" Aidan said. KJ looked at her and flicked her off.
"Yeah plus i can help pay for shit my job back home can transfer up here just gotta talk to ya big homie and make sure that's cool and I gotta set up this apprenticeship for these tattoos" she said. She wanted to be a tattoo artist and was good at what she did. She had started alittle apprenticeship back home
"Yeah dope itll be lik old times." I said smiling.
"Oh shit mm okay I'll talk to you later" Aidan said and then I saw KJ head disappear from the camera and my best friend moaned. The phone hung up.
"They nasty" Stephanie said. I laughed because we both knew what happen.
"How was it" my sister asked looking me dead in the eye. I blushed.
"Amazing and worth the wait" I said. I knew eventually I would end up telling her.
"Fucking knew" Stephanie said.
"But you for real okay with me moving up here" she asked.
"Fuck yes I miss you and itll be nice to have you around again we missed so much time when mama made you move" I said.
"Bet cool I'll make some calls and ill talk to you later" she said
"I love you" I said
"I love you too fuck nigga" she said and hung up. I am also the softer between me and stephanie. I went down the stairs inside her apartment and went to the kitchen. I saw breakfast was already made and my plate was put away. I warmed it and sat down on the couch eating. I heard keys and the door opened. To my surprise it wasnt Zellie it was Baine.
"Aw shit" she said. I smiled and waved.
"Wassup" I said.
"What the fuck happen to your thighs" Baine said sounding concerned.
"Bitch if you dont move from my damn doorway got me carrying this shit up here" I heard Zellies voice come in. She had two big duffel bags.
"Oh you're dressed and up good you recover fast" Zellie said and put the bags down.
"Whatever you put in that bath really helped Daddy thank you" I said and climbed under the blanket feeling alittle expose with Baine on here.
"So we not gonna talk about the big ass scratches and bruises on her thighs" Baine said.
"It was consensual calm down" Zellie said and emptied the bag of money.
"Consenual it look like you whooped her ass" baine said.
"I loved it tho so its fine" I said and held my plushie and watched real house wives of atlanta because that's my shit I dont give a fuck. I didn't pay attention to their business. I finished my food and went to the kitchen.
"You need to be careful before somebody try to report yo ass again" I heard Baine say.
"I'm 18 now so I'm legal we didnt start doing anything until yesterday" I chimed in.
"Exactly and I promise you she consented multiple times" Zellie said and kissed my neck as I sat in her lap
"So yall dating now you know this looks bad since shes your understudy basically" Baine explained.
"We just chilling and they only ones that know are mauro and her sister and now you so chill out" Zellie corrected. Yeah I told her i told my sister.
"Alright whatever" Baine said.
"Put on pants mamas Mauro on his way and he might actually think I beat you up" Daddy said. I laughed and nodded. I came back down and laid on Daddys lap she was on the couch now.
"I put your supplies in your bag so. Be careful with your driving. Ya fucking speed demon" she said chuckling.
"Not my fault everyone else more slow as fuck" I said. We smoked and Baine ended up slumped in the couch across from us. Mauro had drank to much and slept in the guest room. I looked up at Daddys eyes low and red.  I smiled and climbed on top of her.
"What are you doing"she said and wrapped her arms around my body. I used that as my opportunity to kiss her and melted in her arms as she forced her tongue in my mouth. I shivered and intertwined my hands in her hair. I loved how she made other people and other thing disappear.
"You never let me taste you" I said pulling away panting slightly.
"You don't need too"she said biting my neck again.
"But I want too" I said pushing her back sitting on her.
"I know and you will just not right now"she said. I pouted.

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