who dat?

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   I smiled. So yes we are married at first she was just my prison wife but in order to get conjugal visits we got married real life. Which is what I tried to explain to Camillas father but fuck it. I wasnt going to anull shit. I missed just being in her presence. She made me feel beautiful and while yes I get hit on and shit but that's more of a sex thing. She honest to god made me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. We were vibing and listening to music. She was playing with my hair. I was so scared to tell her about my slip up. My addiction started when I was 14 and it spiral for a long time. Between my sperm donor and me having issues nonstop to me also being a violent child. I kind of found myself in the worse possible situations. The abusive sperm donor thing is what bonded me and Remy originally actually. My mother and I had a great relationship and my sister Stephanie. She was actually a gay stud to and my twin unfortunately. I was kissing on Zellie again when my phone lit up. I hadn't been paying attention to it. It was sweet gentle kisses ya nasty people. Anyways I pulled away from her lips and frown when I realized it was Camilla. I forgot she was there actually.
"Uh oh wifey calling" zellie asked. I frowned and sighed. I got a text from her saying her parent were coming over and asking where I was. I realized she had called me like 4times.
"Hey sorry working late I'm on the way back now" I said when she picked up the phone.
"Okay I figured but I was worried" she said. I rolled.my eyes yeah whatever.
"Ight by see you soon" she said. I hung up.
"Fucking Trevor and his wife there I gotta go play good daughter in law I honestly hate both of them. Trevor was a narcissist asshole and his wife was I think real life dumb because the broad was just a bimbo with tits. Julia wasnt even Camillas mother. Camilla's mother was actually chill as fuck and really smart"i said and she laughed. I pouted.
"I don't want to leave daddy" I said putting my face in the pillow.
"Just do the lil dinner thing and when you done just come back." She saif.
"I know but its warm and I'm naked and you're here. Hey you want to come with me" I asked.
"Nah ma ima have to meet ya lil fiancee when I am not high as shit or ima fuck you in front of her" she said. Which was true we had been smoking since we stopped.
"Plus I got a lil something for you to wear when you get back" she said.
"Ohhh what is it!" I said turning towards her.
"Nothing you'll see when you get home tonight" she said.
"Its a lil kit actually but go head get so you can come back sooner"she said and kissed me lips. I got a nice lil make up session
"Go before.i fuck you again and this time you won't be able to walk" she said pulling away. I smirked and got up. I, of course, fell. She laughed loud and fuck. I flicked her off. I didnt think she had my legs this week.
"Fuck you Zellie" I said.
"I'm sorry baby but that was funny" she said laughing. I laughed to because fuck it. I managed to get up and I had a little limp. I was sore but it also felt really nice. I managed to put on my clothes with Zellie help of course. I kissed Daddy one more time before going downstairs. Zellie came with me. Ava and Aidan were still down there. I instantly got embarassed. I knew they heard me.
"What happen to you were going to take her home?" Daddy asked.
"Well we smoked and....I forgot" ava said. I bust out laughing.
"That's cool Aidan you mind taking me home Camilla has this lil dinner shit with her parents" I said.
"Yeah I got chu let hit it." She said smirking. I knew she was about to ask a bunch on questions when I got to the car. I kissed Daddy one more time.
"Text me when you're home safely" she told me.
"I will. I love you" I said.
"Love you too babygirl" she said. I got that stomach happy feeling. I got in the car and I ain't gonna cap....took me a minute to sit down.
"Nigga....so you get fucked" was the very first thing this nigga asked me as we pulled off.
"Yeah you thought me calling her Daddy was capping" I said laughing.
"Dats crazy we woke up and I heard yelling and moaning Daddy. So I'm like ayyyeee go best friend go best friend fuck that shit up.....then I heard Zellie and my shit was blown. Ava just started cackling. Ideally I imagine she knows but I wasn't expecting it to be Gee was putting it down. My high ass look at Ava like wayment she got a dick so what hole is it. Then it clicked. Bruh I wasn't ready. You know those tic toks that have the "oh lord" that was my face my guy but damnn the way you was limping she fuck yo shit up" Aidan finished. By this point I was laughing my ass off because her face was completely shocked.
"But on a non sexual note cause yall nasty yall got quiet and you got that glow. Its soon good to see you actually smiling again because you hadn't in a long time. But big daddy Gee hit you with the dick long dick style."
"Nigga fuck you" I said laughing.
"Nah but forreal though I'm glad she back in your life she love you and I can tell" Aidan said. I love Aidan because she knew me well enough to know I hadn't been alright
"I know I love her too so much. She explained why she took me off this list and everything it's so nice to have that clarification. I told her about both of my slip up and she just kind of held me and apologized" I explained. I can actually be myself with her. I am actually really submissive even if I dress the way I do and I have my confidence both ways but I was missing that because I had to cover it so long. She's my master too so being able to submit and its be taken care of and not laughed at or looked at weird on the count yes I am a stud and I technically have a male attachment so I'm not expected to fit into those society requirement. Its feels good and I feel safe with her I don't have to fight so much she makes it easier. I also feel comfortable being more in tune with my feminine side and when I feel masculine she let's me express that too. Next to Giselle Aidan is the only one who knows I have a little body issues and insecurity. Like I just don't feel comfortable committing fully to just one sex. Some days I feel masculine some days I feel feminine. Which is why before we had sex Zellie asked me how i was feeling. Usually in a more feminine feel I bottom and masculine I top but neither am I very dominating. "Top" for me also implies I want to be...well in her. 
"Good I'm glad she knows about that and caters to it" she said.
"Plus thank god someone else can deal with you bratty side" Aidan said. Aidan is a Dom herself so when I needed to drop in that headspace she dealt with it. It was completely nonsexual but she gave me rules and punished me when I wanted to be bratty. I usually would have a week of this and Aidan took care of it because prior to Giselle taking me off her visitation she have Aidan permission to tend to me sub. So she did. We got to my house and I hugged her before going inside.
"Love you and also you might want to come up with a lie as to why you limping" she said after she hugged me.
"Valid point and I love you too" I said and went up the stairs which was a task within itself. I got inside and heard them
"Hey daughter in law" her dads voice boomed.
"Hey yall sorry I got held up at the shop" I lied. I walked over and kissed Camillas forehead. She kissed my hand that was on her shoulder.
"Oh no worries I understand getting shit done trust me come on dinner is almost ready sit a bit ya know" he said.
"Lemme go wash up really quick then I'll be down." I said I went upstairs and texted Zellie that I was home. I switched my clothes and came back out.
"Better my love?" Camilla asked.
"Yeah much" I said and started eating with the rest of them. 
       After hours of awkward conversation they left and I went to my room to shower up and pack a bag.
"Remy" I heard Camilla. She had that seductive voice. I knew she was going to try again. I turned and of course she was in lingerie. It was gorgeous and blue with black lace. But I literally didnt even get a twitch.
"Uhm what are you doing?" I asked.
"Can we try again" she said.
"I've been really stressed baby I don't think so. Plus I have to leave in a bit for some work stuff. You look beautiful tho" I said. I feel a small bit of guilt but I know she's fucking Kyla. I'm not stupid. I know she originally wore that for Kyla because I was going playing a game on her phone when Camilla number popped up and it was a picture of Camilla. I couldn't see her face but I know her body. She only does that little shit when she wanted something because then she guilt trips me after. When I was interested and trying she did the same shit to me. We aren't toxic just both passive aggressive. I got a text from Giselle saying she was outside. I grabbed my keys and left. I didn't say anything to Camilla because I knew she was on the phone with Kyla.
"Hey daddy" I said and got in the car.
"Hey lil baby" she said and we pulled off. We got home and I went into the room upstairs. I looked on the bed and she had a cute little pink silk pajama suit. The shorts pinks and lacy with black lacing at the bottom. The top was pink with lace around the
V- neck and adjustable arm straps.
"I got the short tailor to be more comfortable around in the crotch area." She said. It looked so pretty.
"I have another version of this when you feel more masculine. It just longer shorts and the top had sleeves.
"Oh and this" she said and came over with a collar. It matched the outfit.
"Why dont you put it on and with no bra preferably" she said and held my waist.
"Its so pretty thank you I honestly do love it"
"Go put it on so I can make sure it fits right" she said. I nodded and went to the bathroom.
     I put it on and I fucking loved it. It fit my curves perfect. I dont see my because they were loose in the front and it fit my ass amazingly.
"Okay come look" I said. She came into the bathroom. 
"You look gorgeous baby" she said and  her arms wrap around my waist she kissed the back of my neck.
"One more thing tho" she said.
"Lift your hair up ma" she said. I did and she got my collar and put it around my neck. I turned and she picked me up putting me on the counter.
"Perfect" she said.
"Come on let's watch your favorite movies and cuddle" she said.
"Yay!" I jumped down and went downstairs. She grabbed and blanket for me and I rested my head on her chest while laying on her.
"I'm getting sleepy"i said and lifted her bra.
"Still?" She asked laughing.
"Yes for me to get good sleep I had to use my thumb for a while but only when I was in full headspace with Aidan" I explained. So weird thing I like to typically suck....something when I sleep and I hate pacifiers so I use my thumb but Aidan and Giselle yell at me saying itll fuck up my teeth. So her nipple goes in my mouth. I go comfortable and she took her bra off completely. I fell asleep shortly after. 
       I woke up in her bed. She wasnt there. I slept so well tho. I stretched and heard her coming upstairs. She was sadly clothes. She had a black button down the top button undone, black jeans and a pair of black timbs and her hair was on a bun.
"You up finally babygirl good" she said and sat my plate down.
"Eat and drink your water." She passed water in a bedazzled thermos. It was pink with black and white kitten stickers and purple jewel.
"Ah! I love.it" I kind of squealed. 
"I know you would I got about 3 or those and some of the plates you like that separate food. I ate and got up.
"Let's go we're going shopping or some kink and non kink stuff" she said. I nodded and changed into the clothes I brought here. After I was dressed in my Jean's and black tee shirt I followed Zellie out. We used a different car this time and headed to Ava house. I knew we were picking her up.
"Daddy does Ava know?" I asked.
"Know what? How you are with me yes and our type of relationship she does not however know we are married. Never crossed my mind to tell her." She said. I liked people don't know we are married it kind of fun.
           After we got Ava we went to the mall and I picked out some clothes. Then got waxed because there was way to much to stubble. As i was walking I spotted a jewelry store and I saw a really pretty and elegant black ring that transformed into a snake with my birthstone in it. I liked it we never officially got rings for each other. I think this actually fits her. Plus she normally wears rings in all her fingers. She kept them short and they were painted black.
"How much?' I asked the jeweler
"7000, the scales have small black diamonds and the dark green birthstone" he said.
"Yeah I'll take it" I said. After i got it i went and met up with Ava and Zellie. When i walked over i saw this girl a little close to my Zellie and i ain't like it.
"Uhm could you back up" i said as i approached ole girl. She was pretty no doubt. Soft brown skin, long pretty braids and really full lips with dark brown eyes.
"I'm talking and you interrupting rude" she snapped.
"Bitch I wil-"
"Baby comere"  Zellie said pushed ole girl over and sitting me on her lap.
"Like I said I'm good mamas but thank you" Zellie said. Good because I was about to fuck that bitch up.
"Oh it's like that you one of them" she said.
"Lesbian yes I thought that was the whole reason you were in my face" Zellie said being a smart ass.
"Nah you a Dyke lover" she said.
"And you a self hating lesbian soooo" I said and Daddy choked on her smoothie.
"First of all I wont talking to you and second bitch I'm bisexual" she said.
"And so are these hands so what's really good." I said smirking and about to get up
"Nope its was nice talking to you but you might wanna walk away because if I let her up she going to fight you" Zellie said. The girl rolled her eyes and smacked her teeth before walking away.
"Be nice you know I wasnt going to do nothing but dismiss her" Zellie said laughing.
"I dont not care fuck her" I said. She chuckled and kissed my neck. I turned and kissed her lip.
"Damn I leave for a few minutes and yall already sucking face."ava said. I laughed.
"Shut up we been sucking face for years" Ava asked. I smirked because I had wanted daddy since I was 17 I met her when I was 17 and she was 22 Yes Daddy is 6 years older than me. I loved it but she didnt fucked with me until I was 18. Sadly it was right before she went to jail.

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