Chapter 54 - Drenched

Start from the beginning

She sighed before rubbing the screen with her jumper sleeve. It didn't do much as her sleeve was wet and it was still raining, hitting the screen all over again.

She opened the phone and looked for contacts. There were still only five people in her contact list and she wasn't about to call Tony to come to pick her up. Natasha would be mad at her for trying to walk home in an unfamiliar city alone, Steve would just tell Natasha and Peter couldn't drive.

So that only left one contact.

She sighed and hovered over the button before just pressing it, holding it to her ear so it wouldn't get any wetter.

The phone rung for a few seconds before going to voicemail, she groaned realising she would have to walk.

As she went to stand up she felt the phone vibrating in her hand and she rushed to answer it.

"Seven?" Bucky's voice was low and unsure, she could tell he had just been sleeping.

"Sorry for calling," She said, she was nervous now that she knew what she knew.

"It's fine, you just never call me," He said, Seven was jealous, he sounded dry.

"I know" She agreed, "I was just wondering if you would come and get me? I decided to walk home and got drenched and am only halfway" 

"Of course, text me where you are, I'll be there in ten minutes" Seven could already hear him moving around on the other side of the line before he hung up, she was shocked that he didn't ask any follow-up questions and just agreed.

 She sat on the edge of the roof before realising she still had her IDs in her hand so she swung her bag back around so she could put them back. When she unzipped the pocket and started putting them back she realised that she was missing one.


Her school ID wasn't with the others and she felt immediate panic, she was hoping she had dropped it when scaling the building. If not then she was trouble. 

Seven decided not to worry about it for now, there was nothing she could do about it and there were also bigger things she needed to worry about.

As she waited anxiously for Bucky to come and get her she started pondering what those red syringes could be, she knew now that there was definitely something happening that she didn't know about.

From what she had heard she had a few weeks until they started 'administrating' the liquid, and who knows what it would do? Who knows who they were targeting.

Seven was so drenched that it no longer bothered her as the freezing cold water droplets ran down her neck into her hoodie. She also made no attempt of pulling the hood up as that was drenched too.

The familiar black car pulled in front of the building and she lowered herself from the roof, allowing herself to drop from the final windowsill, catching a glimpse of herself in the window and desperately trying not to burst out laughing due to the inconvenience of the whole situation. She looked like a drowned rat, her red hair clinging to her pale skin, eyes clouded with droplets of rain that hung on her eyelashes. 

She clutched her backpack to her stomach, reminding herself to thank Natasha for making sure it was waterproof.

Bucky opened the car door, remaining inside but looking at the girl who was standing next to the now opened door. He brought his hand up to cover his mouth when he caught sight of her, clothes hanging off her small frame, ten shades darker than they were meant to be due to the excessive rain.

"Haha, very funny" She deadpanned,

"I'm not laughing," Bucky said, face returning to his normal, neutral look. "Get in"

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