The Southern Air Temple

Start from the beginning

~The Docks~

Prince Zuko and his uncle Iroh walked off the ramp of the ship and onto the docks, Prince Zuko was four steps ahead of him while Iroh was respectful and let the prince walk ahead of him.

"Uncle, I want the repairs made as quickly as possible. I don't want to stay too long and risk losing his trail." Prince Zuko said as he looked around the shipyard.

"You mean the Avatar?" Iroh questioned his nephew.

Prince Zuko whirled around and glared at his uncle, as he whispered aggressively.

"Don't mention his name on these docks. Once word gets out he's alive, every fire-bender will be out looking for him. And I don't want anyone getting in the way."

Iroh nodded his head in understanding, he was about ready to speak to his nephew before a voice interrupted them. Making their eyes widened, they turned and looked to see who was talking to them. Seeing a man with light brown hair and sideburns.

"Getting in the way of what? Prince Zuko."

"Captain Zhao." Prince Zuko sneered, crossing his arms over his chest as he narrowed his eyes at the fire-bender before him.

"It's Commander now." Commander Zhao corrected the prince, before looking at Iroh as he bowed respectfully. "And General Iroh, great hero of our nation."

Iroh smiled politely at the Commander as he bowed back and corrected the man, knowing it would get on his nerves.

"Retired General."

"The Fire Lord's brother and son are welcomed guests anytime." Commander Zhao said as he held his arms behind his back, a grimace passing over his face as he said these words with distaste. "What brings you to my harbor?" The Commander questioned the two.

"Our ship is being repaired." Iroh answered as he pointed towards the smaller ship.

You could see the damage the iceberg had done to it, scraped along the side and dented in almost every spot. Commander Zhao studied the ship, knowing that the two ran into trouble somewhere close. Commander Zhao looked back to Prince Zuko and Iroh as he said.

"That's quite a bit of damage."

"Yes." Prince Zuko agreed, trying to come up with a lie that wouldn't lead to the discovery of the Avatar still being alive. "You wouldn't believe what happened."

Prince Zuko racked his brain for something but could come up with nothing, he quickly glanced down at his uncle and thought that maybe his uncle would come up with something on the spot.

"Uncle, tell Commander Zhao what happened." Prince Zuko said as he looked over at the Commander.

Iroh's eyes widened when he heard his name being brought up, he quickly looked up at his nephew only to be met with the 'come up with a great lie' look. Iroh looked down at the ground, rubbing his beard thoughtfully before quickly looking up at Commander Zhao with a wide smile on his face.

"It was incredible!" Iroh exclaimed before coming up blank, he leaned closer to his nephew as he whispered. "What? Did we crash or something?"

Prince Zuko's eyes widened as he looked down at his uncle before looking back at Commander Zhao as he agreed knowing the Commander had heard his uncle.

"Yes! Right into an Earth Kingdom ship."

"Really?" Commander Zhao questioned the two with furrowed brows, not believing what the two were saying. He then smirked as he said to the two. "You must regale me with all the thrilling details. Join me for a drink?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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