You're The Avatar

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Aang was sitting on an ice glacier, Appa sitting below him the bison yawned loudly and Aang looked down at his friend. The boy sighed holding the glider closer to his chest as he said to the flying bison.

"Yeah I liked her too."

Aang looked around the South Pole before moving his attention to the water, it was foggy but he could make out a ship sailing through it black smoke coming from it's top. Aang gasped as he looked to the ship to where the village was, his mind bringing up one person only. Mara. She was in danger and he was going to do everything in his power to help her.

"The village." Aang slid down the glacier and looked at Appa, who was still laying down in his hole. "Appa, wait here!" 

Appa groaned in response and turned on his side slightly, Aang smiled at the bison before running back to the village.

~In The Village~

In the village Sokka put on his gloves, wrapping some string along his armor so it stays on his arms tightly, he then puts on his boots before dipping his fingers in black pain. Rubbing it underneath his eyes, once he finished with his war paint he put his trusty boomerang behind his back ready to protect his tribe and his family.

~On The Fire Nation Ship~

Prince Zuko stood with his arms out, letting people put his armor on him. He stood ready as a helper put on his helmet for him as he narrowed his eyes in determination, ready to bring the Avatar to his Father and to restore his honor.

~In The Village~

Sokka looked up to the burning candle they always lit for their father to return home safely to him, and he couldn't help but think of fulfilling that promise to his dad to keep his sisters safe. He nodded to it before running out the tent, he stood on the edge of the snow fort looking out at the water ready to defend his tribe. Sokka looked back and forth slowly trying to see through the fog, which didn't help at all.

That's when they heard the explosion, the villagers all looked at each other and gasped in fear. That's when the ground began shaking, the fort that Sokka and the children had made began falling apart.

"Oh man." Sokka sighed out, thinking about how much work that's going to be to put it back together again.

Katara and Mara were rounding up the villagers and telling them to hide when they saw their brother standing on the lookout tower. Their eyes widened in horror as they watched a ship come sailing at their brother.

"Oh man." Sokka said in shock.

Mara looked to Katara and nodded her head towards the villagers, she nodded in agreement and they began once again rounding them up. That's when Mara heard a little girl scream, she turned and watched as the crack began to get wider and wider. Quick on her feet Mara ran over to the little girl and scooped her up in her arms and ran away with her, setting the girl down in the tent where all the villagers were she looked inside and saw that Sokka was not inside.

"Where's Sokka?" Mara questioned Katara.

Katara snapped her head where she last saw her brother and screamed at him.

"Sokka! Get out of the way!"

Mara turned to see what was going on and watched in horror but with pride as she saw her brother standing his ground against the ship coming up to him. His boomerang raised and ready to attack. It broke the tower that Sokka was on and he went down with the snow, all the way to the ground.

There was a hissing sound coming from the ship once it stopped, everyone came out and watched the ship warily. The bow fell and Sokka quickly ran back only to slip and land on his back, everyone quickly gathered close by Sokka but not too close. The village watched as three fire-benders came down the ramp in full armor.

Sokka stood up and glared at them as he ran straight at Prince Zuko yelling all the way. He ran up to the ramp ready to Prince Zuko, but the prince stopped, kicked the boomerang out of his hands and then kicked him to the side. The villagers gasped as they watched Sokka get his head stuck in the snow pile, the fire-benders stopped six more joining them as the leader.

Prince Zuko stood in front of the village. The children clung onto their mothers in fright as they watched him pace in front of them, he then stood in front of Mara, Katara, and Gran Gran.

"Where are you hiding him?" He questioned them.

When no one spoke up Prince Zuko reached in between Gran Gran and Mara and they both flinched away, he grabbed Gran Gran harshly and swiped her from Mara and Katara as he held her for the villagers to see.

"He'd be about this age, master of all the elements."

When no one still didn't say anything and continued to look at the boy in fear, he growled angrily and kicked his feet making fire come at the villagers. They all gasped in fear and moved away from him.

"I know you're hiding him." He exclaimed angrily.

Sokka picked up his boomerang and charged at the prince angrily. How dare he man handle his grandmother? How dare he try to harm his tribe.

His war paint rubbed off because of the snow, the prince rolled his eyes and ducked as Sokka was sent soaring over him. Sokka landed on his but before hearing the roaring of flames and moved out of the way. He threw his other boomerang at him and Prince Zuko quickly ducked out of the way.

It almost hit him and he was quite shocked, he turned to watch the boomerang fly away before looking back at the boy and glaring down at him. A little boy tossed Sokka a spear as he shouted at his mentor.

"Show no fear!"

Sokka caught the spear and narrowed his eyes at the Fire Nation soldier in front of him. He then began charging at him once more with the spear in front of him. Prince Zuko glared and raised one fist in the air, the other below and he chopped the spear off and then shooed the spear again.

He took it from the boy and Sokka gasped, readying his fist to fight hand to hand. Prince Zuko had enough and poked Sokka's head a couple of times before breaking the rest of the spear. 
Sokka sat on the ground rubbing his red forehead in pain, Prince Zuko stared down at the water tribe boy with amusement and anger.

Suddenly a glint of something silver caught Mara's eye flying through the air and heading straight to the fire-bender. It hit his helmet making a loud clanging sound and making him stumble forward slightly. Prince Zuko grunted in pain as he fixed his helmet and angrily stared down at the water tribe boy and his tribe, his fist began to alight with fire.

Mara quickly stood in front of her brother and put her arms out so she would take most of the blow. It slightly surprised Prince Zuko greatly that a girl would do this for someone.
Meanwhile Aang was sledding down on a penguin, his tongue stuck out in concentration as his staff was in front of him.

He came in right behind Prince Zuko and slid right underneath him, his staff tripping the prince and making him fall to the ground. The kids all cheered loudly for Aang, before being doused in snow. They paused for a moment before cheering once again.

Aang looked at Prince Zuko, before being booted off the penguin and landing on his butt. The penguin stood up and began waddling away from the young Airbender. Aang looked over at the siblings and smiled at them.

"Hey Mara, hey Katara, and hey Sokka."

"Hi Aang." Sokka grumbled out with a wave of his hand. "Thanks for coming."

They turned their attention to the fire-benders and watched as Prince Zuko stood up. Taking a deep breath and raising both of his arms, making the soldiers surround the young Airbender and the village. Aang held his staff up, taking in a deep breath before he air-bended snow at all three sides.

"Looking for me?" He questioned the boy in front of him, resting his staff at his side.

"You're the Airbender? You're the Avatar?" Prince Zuko said in shock as he melted the snow off of him.

"Aang?" Katara whispered in shock as well as she tried helping Sokka up from the ground to only drop him in shock.

"No way." Sokka muttered in surprise as he looked at the young boy.

"I knew he had greatness in him." Mara said in a sing-song voice.


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