The Boy In The Iceberg

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Three people were sitting in a canoe on the icey waters of the south pole, dressed in blue and white furs. A boy no older than fifteen had a spear in his hand as he focused on the water as he muttered to the two girls on the boat.

"He's not getting away from me this time. Watch and learn Katara, Mara." He glanced over to the two girls with a smug look on his face, which the two girls rolled their eyes too. "This is how you catch a fish."

The boy turned his attention back onto the water while the two girls gave each other a look, the young girl around the age of elven sat in between the two. Her brown hair was pulled into a braid on the top part, the rest of her hair cascading down in slight curls. Mara was her name, and the other girl was Katara. Katara looked at the water and saw a shadow of a fish swimming by, taking her glove off she took in a deep breath before water bending the fish out of the water in a water bubble.

"Sokka! Mara! Look!" Katara exclaimed excitedly as she made smooth motions with her hands to keep the water bubble going.

Mara looked up and smiled proudly at what her sister accomplished, while Sokka smiled with glee when he caught sight of his dinner as he whispered to the older girl.

"Shh...Katara you're going to scare it away." He licked his lips hungrily as he wiggled his fingers in anticipation as he whispered once more. "Hmm...I can already smell Mara's famous grilled fish."

Mara couldn't help but let out a laugh at her brother's hungry state, he was always complaining that he wanted to eat something. She glanced over at Katara and noticed how close she was to bringing the water bubble she made with the fish in it to the boat, she quickly picked up the basket and waited patiently for her sister to drop it into the basket as she said to Sokka.

"But, Sokka, Katara caught one."

Katara turned to face her sister with a look of concentration on her face, and Mara smiled widely at seeing the fish so close to coming to the basket. At the same time Sokka raised his spear ready to jab it into the water, but instead popped the water bubble Katara had made. Mara seeing this, moved away from her brother and towards her sister as water fell on Sokka.

"Hey!" Katara exclaimed angrily as the fish jumped back into the ocean.

Sokka screamed in shock as he felt the cold water douse him, Mara couldn't help but let a few giggles slip past her lips. She always enjoyed when Katara's water bending always backfires on Sokka, it usually ends in him being soaking wet from head to toe and it never gets tiring. Sokka turned his body to face both Mara and Katara as he asked sarcastically.

"Why is it that every time you play with magic water, I get soaked?"

He squeezed his gloves hands into fist and water came out of it causing Mara to erupt into another fit of giggles, Katara sighed annoyed at her brother as she said.

"It's not magic, it's water bending."

"And it's funny to watch you scream like a little girl." Mara answered as she smiled at her brother, who stuck his tongue out at her in response.

"Besides that it's...." Katara went to continue her rant but this time with a small smile on her face.

"Yeah, yeah an ancient art unique to our culture, blah, blah, blah...." Sokka trailed off as he turned to face the front of the canoe again as he said. "Look, I'm just saying that if I had weird powers I'd keep my weirdness to myself."

Sokka rang out his hair of water, Mara dropped her smile and so did Katara they both crossed their arms and Mara couldn't help but ask.

"You're calling Katara weird, at least she's not the one who makes muscles at herself every time she sees her reflection in the water."

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