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The village watched as a signal flare shot up into the sky, looking down the path they saw Mara and Aang walking side by together, both holding each other's hand. The whole village was outside and waiting for the two to return, Appa was a couple feet away from them. The kids all smiled and laughed happily when they saw Mara and Aang walking towards them.

"Yeah Aang's back!" The kids exclaimed as they raced towards the said boy.

Aang's eyes widened when the kids all surrounded them and hugged him, he let go of Mara's hands and raised his arms up so they wouldn't get squished. Mara giggled a little, causing Aang to look over at her with a dopey smile. Sokka glared at Aang as he walked forwards and pointed angrily at the boy as he yelled angrily.

"I knew it! You signaled the Fire Navy with that flare, you're leading them straight to us aren't you?"

The two younger teens walked up to Sokka and the village, Mara could see her sister by her grandmother. 

"Aang didn't do anything, it was an accident."

"Yeah we were on this ship and there was this booby trap and well we…" Aang trailed off rubbing his head realization as he continued on. "Well we boobies right into it."

"Mara you shouldn't have gone on that ship now we could all be in danger." Gran Gran scolded the young girl. 

Mara sighed as she looked at the ground, in some ways her grandmother was right but how could they keep living like this, living in constant fear of when the Fire Nations ships arrive. She thought to herself angrily and sadly. Aang glanced at Mara and noticed her far away expression and defended the girl.

"Don't blame Mara, I brought her there. It's my fault."

Mara looked over at Aang with an awed expression, shocked that he defended her from her grandmother. Sokka smirked as he exclaimed loudly while pointing a finger at the boy.

"Ah-ah! The traitor confesses! Warriors away from the enemy, the foreigner is banished from our village."

The children all walked towards the villagers and stared at Aang with sadness, the only one who was left by Aang's side was Mara. Katara stepped away from her grandmother and placed a hand on the older boy's shoulder when she saw the angry expression on her sister's face. Katara said to the older boy.

"Sokka, you're making a mistake."

Sokka shrugged her hand off his shoulder as he said angrily to both Katara and Mara.

"No, I'm keeping my promise to dad. I'm protecting both of you from threats like him." 

Sokka pointed at the boy and Mara stood in front of him as she shouted angrily at her brother.

"Aang is not our enemy! Don't you see that Aang's brought us something that we haven't had in a long time, fun."

"Fun? We can't beat the fire-bender with fun!" Sokka shouted as he stared at his younger sister in disbelief.

Aang walked around and stood next to Mara's side as he said with a smile on his face.

"You should try it sometime."

"Get out of our village now." Sokka said as he gestured for Aang to go out into the wilderness.

Mara glared at her brother before turning her attention to her grandmother, hoping that somehow she would help them. Aang's eyes widened to slight horror as he realized that this wasn't a game, that what Sokka was saying was the truth and he couldn't help but think about how he might never see Mara again.

"Grandmother, please, don't let Sokka do this."

"Mara, you knew going on that ship was forbidden, Sokka is right. I think it's best if the Airbender leaves." Gran Gran told her youngest grandchild.

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