The Boy In The Iceberg Pt 3

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At the crow's nest of the ship, stood Prince Zuko dressed in a red robe, his ponytail moving side to side in the wind. The teenager stood staring at the darkening sky, thoughts of finally finding the Avatar crossing his mind. His uncle came up from the stairs and stood staring at the boy for a minute, his hands resting in his sleeves in front of him as he told the boy.

"I'm going to bed now." He yawned loudly, stretching his arms out to the sky as he went on. "Yep, a man needs his rest. Prince Zuko, you need some sleep." He told the boy as he narrowed his eyes on the boy. "Even if you're right and the Avatar is alive, you won't find him. Your father, your grandfather, and great grandfather all tried and failed."

The teenager glared at the sky as he said harshly to his uncle.

"Because their honor didn't hinge on the Avatar's capture. Mine does. This coward's  hundred years in hiding are over."

~In Another Part of The Ocean~

Swimming in the ocean was Appa, Mara was now on the saddle with her siblings. Sokka was curled up where the luggage was and Mara and Katara sat close to where Aang was. Aang was laying on Appa's head, his arms crossed behind his head, his staff in one of his hands. Mara leaned against the saddle as she looked down at Aang, as she called down to him.


"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Aang questioned the girl with a small smile.

"I guess I was wondering, you know with you being an Airbender and all if you had any idea what happened to the Avatar?" Mara asked the boy.

Her eyes watching him with curiosity after all the Avatar was born into the Air Nomads so only they would know what happened to him. Aang stared up at the girl with wide eyes, worry was written on his face as he said sitting up and leaning against his arm.

"Uh….no I didn't know him. I mean, I knew people that knew him." He paused thinking about something before he looked up at the girl with a sad smile. "But I didn't. Sorry."

Mara smiled softly down at the boy in reassurance as she said with a shrug of her shoulder.

"It's okay I was just curious."

Mara turned back to Katara and smiled sadly at the older girl who shared the same smile, if there was no Avatar then there was no saving them or anyone else from the Fire Nation.

"Sleep tight." Aang called out to the girl.

Mara curled up next to the older girl and wrapped her arms around the girls waist, while Katara wrapped her arms around the girls shoulders as they both began to drift off to sleep. Aang sat on top of Appa's head staring where Mara was moments before, he turned around and laid on his stomach with a grimace on his face.


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