Chapter 15: Your Move

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Here is it! The long awaited beginning of the Soul Society Arc and I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story line.

One Year Later

Toshiro was deep in his thoughts about the recent sentence of Rukia. 'I don't understand, there have been past occasions that shinigami were forced to give there powers to a living soul but never were given a death sentence. Why is the Council of 46 deciding that now?'

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a great rumbling and turned to see that the Hakutōmon wasn't just down but now was opening. 'Is someone trying to break into the Seireitei?'

He got closer to the gate as it opened to reveal a massive man with shock written over his face. "C-captain Shihoin!" Toshiro ignored the gatekeeper and looked at the other people behind him.

One had a large butcher knife on his back and orange hair, another one was wearing all white along with glasses, and the last two was a tall dark skin teen and a teen girl with orange hair as well. Then he saw a flash of black before it disappeared but he couldn't tell what it was.

Toshiro then turned his attention to Jidanbo. "What are you doing? As a gatekeeper, your job is to keep any intruders out of the Seireitei so why are you letting them in?"

The massive man gulped and said, "Its my job as gatekeeper that if I am defeated, I am to open the gates to the victors." Toshiro sighed, the huge man was honorable but he always misunderstood rules. "You are suppose to keep it close even if you are threaten with death but it appears that you don't understand that."

Quick as a flash, Toshiro cut the nerves in his left arm making it hang uselessly at his side and the gate to come down. However, even with one arm uselessly, he managed to keep it up with one arm and his neck. Suddenly he was forced to block a huge blade with his own, though only with one hand. He pushed the teen back and glared at him.

"Oi! What the hell are you doing!?" Toshiro's eyes met the one wearing shinigami robes and felt something oddly familiar about his eyes. "Who are you?"

Ichigo and Co POV

'Damn it! Out of everyone we first meet in the Seireitei, we run into the one person that I wanted to avoid at all costs!' Yoruichi thought from her current position which was several feet away from the gate and out of sight of everyone. She was currently in her human form and was prepare to move at a moment's notice but she couldn't help but notice how much Toshiro had grown in the century that she's been gone.

His hair was spikier than it was before, he felt more powerful if the captain's cloak around him was any hint, and his eyes held no emotion.

'And I'm the reason for that.' She watched Toshiro cut all the tendons in Jidanbo's left arm, to her she barely saw him move. 'This isn't good, Toshiro was powerful before and now he's even more so now! He even blocked Ichigos gaint Zanpakuto with one hand! I have to get them aw-'

She was cut out from her thoughts when she saw Ichigo suddenly charge Toshiro. 'WHAT THE HELL IS THAT IDIOT DOING!?'

Ichigo's Zanpakuto clashed with Toshiro's own in a deadlock which Toshiro effortlessly broke by pushing Ichigo back. Said person met the boy's own teal eyes and resisted the urge to shiver. His eyes were like ice shards that pierce his soul.

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