Chapter 7: Duel between Friends

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*Lights shine down on a stage where a person wearing a black cloak sat on the ground, drinking some hot tea.*

Hello everyone, Welcome to Chapter 7. Now this chapter is going to be unique as you can read by the title. Along with Toshiro vs Kusaka, and a few differences from canon concerning there fight, I decided to explain a little about Hyōrinmaru's background due to it being a complete and utter blank! Which gives authors free reign to write whatever we want about it.

So enjoy and Disclaimer: I own nothing!

In the Fourth Division, it was usually very quiet excluding the 11th division members who would complain and mess with the Fourth Division members until Unohana would kindly tell them to stop.

It was this reason why Toshiro didn't like being in the Fourth Division.

From the dead silent night to the quiet busy day, it was absolutely torture for him to be in the Division due to his restless nature. At least he wasn't alone.

"I can't believe that you already achieve Shikai!" Toph, Byakuya, Yukari, and Kusaka who for some reason had frost on his clothes, was sitting around there friend with Yukari examining Hyōrinmaru from all angles. Once the four had heard that he was in the Fourth Division, they rushed over as fast as possible.

Toph smiled and punched her friend on his right arm, making him wince. "Nice job Ice-pop, your breaking all sorts of records. First you're going to graduate in one year and now your the youngest person to achieve Shikai." She then frowned and cross her arms over her chest. "Although the Academy is going to be pretty dull with only these three here for company."

Kusaka raised an eyebrow at her. "What do you mean dull?"

"Well Brat *points to Yukari who sends her a glare, Hyōrinmaru still in her hands* spends most of her time studying or practicing her kido since she sucks at Hakudo and Zanjutsu,"

"I'm not that bad at Zanjutsu!" Yukari cut her off while Toph simply used her pinkie to clean her ear. "I can beat you in Zanjutsu and when a blind person is able to win against someone in a sword fight then you know you suck."

Yukari, now red with anger, was about to draw her daggers when Toshiro reminded her who Division this was and paled and sat back down, still glaring at Toph who decided to continue.

"And Mr. Idealist spends his time training who knows where or studying to catch up with Toshiro and Flower Boy has private tutors so I don't even see him."

"You can't even see at all." Byakuya said under his breath, angry at his nickname and turned his attention to Toshiro. "Anyways I still can't believe your Kaa-chan let you take Kisuke's training method. Didn't she say that you were forbidden to do so?"

Toshiro shrugged. "She really didn't have any say in the matter." He then told them that Kisuke probably kidnapped him from his manor at night to train him while Isshin was to distract his Kaa-chan.

The fellow noble patted his friend on the back. "Your Kaa-chan must have been mad at Kisuke for taking you and you for taking his training method." The white hair boy nodded his head.

He never thought that anyone could scold someone for an hour straight and after she was done, she grounded him for a week. Although once she was done, she told him that she was happy that he managed to learn Shikai and will help him practice with it after his week of grounding was over.

Toshiro Hitsugaya: A new Horizon حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن