Chapter 12: As The Years Go By (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

The fact that she can't help him makes her heart breaks. She curled her hands into fists when she remembered who made him this way, she swore that she would find Yoruichi and bring her to justice for not only her crimes against the Seireitei but also for what she's done to her little brother figure.

"Lieutenant Soifon," Toshiro voice, cold and emotionless, said breaking her out of her thoughts. "How long are you going to stare at me from that spot?"

She sighed and stepped out of the shadows of her hiding place. Toshiro had gotten very cold toward everyone and wanted them to refer to him as his proper title.

"Sorry Captain Shihoin." He nodded his head and stood up, most likely to go to the Tenth. "I'll be gone for an hour to meet the new recruits for the Tenth, watch over the division until then." She nodded and he took his Captain's Cloack, which held both the Second and Tenth symbols, and left the room.

Before he left, however, she took in the details of his face. The bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, the smiling lines that were beginning to fade away, and the once bright cheerful teal eyes now a cold emotionless color that held nothing.


Her fist hit a wall at the sight of Toshiro like that, all because of his Kaa-chan. 'Yoruichi, if we ever meet again I'll be the one to bring you down.'

Tenth Division

"Hey Toshiro," Toph greeted her friend as he appeared out of Shunpo next to her. "That's Captain Shihoin, Lieutenant Beifong." He said back as she waved him off. "Yeah yeah."

In the ten years that passed, she barely changed besides deciding to wear her hair in a long pony tail now and was the Lieutenant of the Tenth.

Currently the two were in the training grounds were the next recruits are suppose to be. Turning to his friend he said, "Do you this year will hold any potential shinigami?" The last couple years had been a bit disappointing as they haven't gain any interesting recruits. Not only that but some shinigami decided to go rogue and evaded capture ever since.

The blind girl shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe I just hope at least one of them could give me a challenge." The recruits filed onto the grounds and many of them looked at the two kids with puzzled expressions. Toshiro took a step forward and said in a clear voice.

"Attention I am Captain Shihoin Toshiro of both the Tenth and Second and this," He gestured to Toph was raised a hand in response. "is Lieutenant Beifong Toph of the Tenth. Today we'll be determining which seat you will be assign."


"HAHAHA!" The entire group burst into laughter and one of them, a tall man with blue eyes and blond hair, stepped toward them wiping the tears of laughter out of his eyes.

"That's very funny, now you two kids should stop playing dress up before the Captain and Lieutenant gets here." He then made the fatal mistake of patting Toph on the head.


The recruits stared dumbfounded as the man who made that mistake was now underneath some rubble, his left arm broken at a unnatural angle. Toph smirked and turned to the recruits, cracking her knuckles before stomping her foot on the ground. The recruits let out cries of shock and surprise as they found themselves on a raised platform which all of them on one side and Toph on the other.

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