"What the hell do you want?" He asked winwin angrily.

"I forgot sir" Winwin asked innocently.


Jeongguk and his mom was not sitting inside the taxi going home.

"What were you about to do to him?" Jeongguk was looking outside the window when he mom asked him the question.

"Raise your hand at him? That so on police man?" She asked making jeongguk look at her.

"He was acting rude with you" He said getting pissed even thinking about it.

"But that's my problem know, you fighting with him gonna prove that you both are same,because there don't be any difference between you and him" She said holding her head in frustration.

Jeongguk doesn't say anything just look outside the window.

The guy in black dress riding horses was chasing after police officer wonwo who was running for his life.

The guy was holding a sword ready to attack wonwo.

Wonwo ran away from him while doing so tripping and falling down, he looked back in frighten noticing the guy was near him.

Wonwo moved back crying scared of the guy.

Present time ⌚

"Now it's the time to tell her about the 3 challenges" Jin said patting hoseok's back.

"Okay I'll tell I'll tell" He said hyped about it making jin nod.

"Can I say now" Hoseok said making jin groan "say already" He said rolling his eyes.

"First he will ride the horse, second he will beat the crap out of someone, and third he will go to jail for one time" Hoseok finished happy that he got the chance to tell.

"So this was the 3 challenges you have to complete so prove your masculinity? Impossible, jeongguk would never do this" Rose said confidently.

"What? No? Really? Did he? Does he?" She asked noticing that nobody reacted to her previous statement.

"Who he gonna beat? That police officer wonwo? And he'll go to jail for real?" She asked innocently as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Hy guys, the flight is landed" Jimin said pointing at his left direction making everyone look at the side.

"Thank god, I hour late" Hoseok said glancing at his watch.

"Oh c'mon tell me know, they will come out and story will remain incomplete" Rose whinned.

"Relax rose, now they will come immigration and custom" Jin try to explain.

"That exactly what I'm saying, tell me fast" She said desperately.

"I want coffee" Jin said making rose groan.

"You got to be kidding me" She said slumping on the seat.

"Let's go" Jin said everyone got up from the seat.

"No no please , don't go you can drink coffee later too please what happened next? Tell me know" She said desperately calling her walking friends who didn't listen to her.

She slumb down on the seat again "shit God damn it, come back please" She said making puppy faces talking to no one actually because her friends were still busy buying refreshments.

After 10 mins they walk towards their seat.

"Hi rose" Hoseok greet her smiling but she just glare at him which he didn't noticed too busy distributing snacks.

"Whose popcorn is this?" Hoseok asked holding the popcorn in his hand.

"That's mine" Jimin said taking it from hoseok's hand.

"Take this your coffee" Hosoek hand Jin his cofee taking a seat beside him.

"Rose, chips" Hoseok said smiling offering the whole packet to rose he bought specially only for her.

"Throw your chips" She said angrily but still taking it nonetheless making everyone laugh and hoseok to pout looking down.

"If you all done with your food then can we move on? Please" She asked looking at all of them.

Yoongi laugh at her desperation.

"So what happened you know we and jeongguk started meeting less and less this past days and whenever we use to meet he never was alone, always with Nancy" Jin told her making her nod her head taking in all the information.

"So you remember that picnic, where Nancy came with us?" Hoseok asked.

"Oh how could we forget that, fuel was over in your damn car" Yoongi said remembering the movement very well because he was the one who was standing to ask for a lift.

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Omg 😭😭🤣

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