11- 🎯 and Cobbler

265 13 28

Song: It Was a Sin by The Revivalists

May's POV

Harry's sense of adventure and willingness to throw himself into anything really boggles my mind sometimes. He says he doesn't like surprises, but he jumps feet first into things without a second thought. I envy him for that. He's also super talented, like at everything it seems.

We're at "Saxe." It's our hole in the wall axe throwing place in Seaside and of course Harry has already hit the bullseye numerous times. Thankfully, he's my partner so we are winning against Bea and Ellis, but you would think he does this for a living. He's such a natural.

"Harry, how often do you go axe throwing? I feel like I've been set up!" Bea states matter of factly. She made a bet with Harry, $50, that she'd kick his ass today. I guess she's about to eat crow. It's been nothing but laughs since we walked in the door. Bea and Harry's friendly banter has gotten even more competitive as the afternoon goes by. Ellis isn't bad by any means, but he's not Harry, and Bea isn't shy about telling him how she feels.

"My grandmother could throw better than that El! Come on!"

We're playing 5 rounds and we have one more to go. At this moment Harry and I are up by 20 points. We decide to take a small break before the last round, getting another round of drinks while we give our arms a rest. I've noticed that through the shit talking, Bea and Ellis are cuddlier, and that's just not like Bea. I'm curious as to what's going on there.

Harry and Ellis are at the bar so I take this opportunity to ask Bea what's going on, we don't keep secrets from each other so it shocks me she's kept things to herself this long.

"Beabs, you have something you want to tell me?"

She looks up from her phone with a smirk, and I know she knows that I know. "You and Ellis seem to be enjoying each other's company a lot today. I've seen the glances and roaming hands."

"Oh Maysie, I swear, nothing gets by you. I wasn't trying to keep secrets; you just know how I am. I don't do boyfriends, but Ellis is really growing on me. He just won't leave; says he likes me too much and honestly I like him too."

I know my face is in shock as I stare at Bea's confession, the woman who hasn't been in a serious relationship like ever has gone soft for ol' Ellis. Wow. I never thought I'd see the day.

"Did hell freeze over?" I say as I throw my arm around her and give her the biggest hug. "Shut up Maysie, don't make this weird, it's odd enough for me already. I don't know what I'm doing." I can't help but laugh at her, the fish out of water face she makes as she continues to spill her guts. "Bea, it's ok, just take it slow. There's no rush. Do what feels right as long as you're happy."

I never thought I'd be giving Bea relationship advice, but life is funny like that. "Well, we aren't official or anything, but I feel like that's coming sooner rather than later."

I see the guys making their way back over and I change the subject. I know Bea doesn't want to continue having this conversation. She's so funny, the most random things make her uncomfortable, commitment being one of them. She doesn't do monogamy, wouldn't know what it was if it slapped her in the face, but I guess there's a first time for everything. I hope Ellis is prepared...but I'm pretty sure he's out of his depth with her.

"Here, Sweets," Harry says as he hands me a hard cider. I hate beer and Eli isn't around to make me a margarita, so a Red's Apple Ale will have to do. "Thank you, handsome." Harry dips his head down to mine planting his lips on me, and I can taste the beer on his tongue as he dips into my mouth. A soft hum coming from his throat before he pulls away. I don't think I'll ever get over that feeling.

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