Chapter Sixteen

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The next two weeks went by in a flash. Shoto and I continued eating lunch on the second floor. We try to leave anything that has to do with quirks and/or training for our Sunday brunch and trains. He's helping a lot with up-close combat. After my brutal fail against Mina, I pushed for Shoto to not hold back. It resulted in many more bruises and a few patches of frostbite, but I'm getting used to it.

I've double-downed on my training. As silly as it sounds, I don't want to embarrass myself at the internships. So now, I have morning jogs, morning stretches, after-school training, evening jog, and nightly workouts. I didn't think it was possible, but I even grew a few inches. I broke the 152 CM wall, and stand around 157 CM.

Now, it's finally the night before we start our internships. Izuku and I are lounging around my room. He told me he was interning with a retired U.A. teacher. When asked him why he chose the retired pro he clammed up. I want to push it, but I know Izuku just gets like this sometimes.

"You know Ko-Chan, I've been wondering. Do you have a thing for Shoto?" He says, lifting a twenty-kilogram weight with his right hand like it's nothing.

I choke on the Ramune I was sipping on. My expression had to look horrified, but I can't fix it.

"Why would you ask that?! Of course not." I gasp. He throws his hands into a surrendering stance.

"I-I don't know! Sorry, it's just that you two disappear together during lunch. Nobody can ever find you guys during it, and everybody sees you together after. Just wondering..." He whines, pouting like a child. I groan and flop on my bed.

"I guess that is suspicious. We just eat lunch together every day."

"Alone." He reminds me.

"Yes, alone. But not doing anything weird. Just eating and talking. On the subject, don't think your and Uraraka's meal thing doesn't slip past me. You only buy half of the lunch every day. She buys the other half and you eat together like a married couple!" Izuku turns red.

"I-it's just a money-saving compromise. N-nothing r-romantic!" He exclaims.

His phone begins to buzz, flashing his mother's face. He answers it and reluctantly tells his mom he's ready to go. I wave to him, wishing him luck on the internship.

Izuku lets himself out as I lay on my bed, staring at the blindingly white roof. A whole week away from home. Training with no classes. It's going to be lonely, but will I even have time to feel it?




The next morning, after my workouts, my driver drives me and Ms. Itsumi up to the beautiful Hosu city. It's much more of a business city, compared to Musutafu's bright city skylines and family homes. This city is for bachelors and rich fathers who don't bother with their children. Powerful businesswomen in 6-inch heels. Young adults with mind-numbing internships getting coffee day after day.

This city is mine for a week.

We pull up at the Native Pro Hero Agency. Ms. Itsumi will be at the hotel during the week. I insisted that she didn't come, but my father made her. Something about safety. Mr. Daichi unlocks my door, and I smile at him. I pop the trunk and grab the suitcase I retrieved from school this morning. It's the hero costume I'll make my debut in. The one I have never seen before.

I wave Ms. Itsumi goodbye and stand in front of the building for a minute. My stomach is doing this weird knot thing, and I feel like I'm going to hurl. I'm about to walk into the lobby when an arrow whizzes past my head, landing on the ground an inch from my feet.

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