Me:"Hola dad."
Dad:"Hola hijo."
Me:"Como estas?".
Me:The paso algo?"
Dad:Recientemente,cai de manera desagradable pot las escaleras."
Me:"Rompiste algun hueso?"
Dad:No. Solo perdi unas pocas escaleras y baje como una tonelada de ladrillos."
Me:" Me alegro mucho de que no the hicieras dano papa."

My dad laughed. "Si yo tambien."
We spoke for awhile longer and when I went back in the other room Summer was dressed in all black leather and ready to go. We headed to the club. I saw an old friend of mine and wanted her to meet Summer. We headed over hand in hand to the stage area. There was a karoke area. I was pleasantly surprised to see an old friend of mine,she was short,about 5'4", skinny,with long curly brown hair and a sweet smile. We had been friends since 2010. I planned on introducing Marilyn to Summer. Tenderly I took Summer's small hand in my big one and led the way to a table in the front,near the stage. Marilyn sings on the side of being a doctor. She always sings to her patients. I pulled out a chair for Summer,waited while she sat down and then gently tucked her into the table. As soon aa we sat down the lights changed suddenly and out walked Marilyn. She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans,backless halter top and thigh high boots. Her hair was pulled up into two French braids. She took the microphone and started moving to the music. I recognized the song was Save Your Tears by The Weekend. When she finished she immedietly made a beeline  for me. I scooped her up in my arms and swung her around as she laughed happily. "Hola amiga." Marilyn smiled at ne as I set her on her feet. "Hola amigo." I pulled Summer close to my side. "Summer,this is Marilyn,a close friend of mine. Marilyn,this is Summer,my girlfriend." "It's really nice to meet you Marilyn." Marilyn smiled at Summer. "Likewise Summer. I'm glad to see how obviously happy the two of you are together." Summer smiled. "Luis is my heart." I grinned from ear to ear hearing that. I'm also glad they like each other and are getting along. "So how long have ya'll been friends", Summer asked. " Since 2010", I answered. "Luis saved me from getting robbed and we became friends after that. I made him a promise that if he was ever single I'd be with him,but he never stays single", she ended with a nervous laugh. " Oh,well I'm glad he saved you",Summer replid. Then she looked at me then Marilyn. "Am I standing in the wsy of that?" Marilyn responded,"Not at all love. Luis obviously cares a great deal for you if he wanted us to meet.  And I'm honestly happy for the two of you. Just don't ever hurt him or you'll have more than a pissed off Puerto Rican to worry'll have me too." "I would never even think about hurting Luis. He's been so sweet,kind and really good to me and for me. I care very deeply for him." My heart felt so full and my chest swelled with pride for her support and care for me. I hugged her close. We all talked for awhile. Then Summer got sick and puked all over the floor. "I'm sorry to cut this short,but I've gotta get Summer home Marilyn." "I understand. It's none of my business and you don't have to answer this,but have you two been having sex a lot lately?" I looked at her as I opened the bathroom door for  Summer. "Si,we have. Why do you ask?" Marilyn asked,"Could Summer possibly be pregnant with your baby?" I fell silent for a few minutes. "You think that's why she's been sick lately?" Marilyn nodded her head yes. "How would you feel if she is?" "Happy as hell. You know I've always wanted a family of my own. We're committed to each other. I want to build a life with her." "Do you love her Luis?" "Si,very much. I want to eventualky marry her." Marilyn replied,"Then you should ask her really soon. Take her somewhere romantic and ask her to marry you." Marilyn hugged me and left as I retrieved Summer from the bathroom floor. Tenderly,I picked her up in my arms and carried her to the car,where I strapped the seatbelt around her. Then I drove us home. Once we arrived I carried her inside,stripped her naked,laid her on our bed and went to go draw her a hot bubble bath. When it was ready I placed her in it and washed her. She was too weak and tired to stubbornly fight me(as usual),as I laid her naked body in our bed and pulled the sheet over her. I noticed her breasts did seem a lil bit bigger and fuller. Her belly also looked slightly larger too. I stayed awake watching her sleep. I leaned down over her belly and said,"Hola pequeno.(hi little one) Esta es papi.(This is daddy) No puedo esperar a conocerte. (I can't wait to meet you)
Papa' ya te quiere tanto. (Daddy loves you so much already) I pressed my lips to Summer's belly and sent my baby a kiss. "Papa' acaba de besar el belky de mamá, pero el beso es realmente para ti." (Daddy just kissed Mommy's belly,but the kiss is really for you) I wasn't gonna let on like I knew Summer was pregnant yet. I was gonna propose to her first and then let her know that I know. I had planned on a really romantic proposal. Rhea,Riddle & Marilyn all agreed to help me plan it. I couldn't wait to see the happy look on Summer's face when I finally asked her to be my wife. I stripped naked and stepped umder the hot spray of the shower. Then when I was done applying my cologne and deoderant I slid in bed beside her,taking Summer in my arms and placing her head on my chest. I planned in proposing to her this weekend,in San Juan,Puerto Rico. I had it all planned out too...especially after speaking to Rhea,Marilyn and Riddle on Face Time before comimg to bed. I was stoked cuz I had never cared about a woman enough to even think about proposing. I was getting her ring in New York,before we boarded the plane to San Juan. My mom also wanted to meet her. And of course my dad was gonna be there in San Juan too when I proposed to her. I just really hope she loves me enough to say yes.

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