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The convoy drove through a forest, trees blocking out the sunlight. Andrews was on the turret mount. The sounds of helicopters buzzing overhead signaled that they were getting closer to the base.

  "That's a lot of copters." Andrews says observing transport helicopters of all types bringing in vehicles and supplies.

  Something caught his attention. A vehicle that he's never seen before. It looked like a super sized V-22 osprey. 

  "Marcus, what am I looking at?" He asked.

  Looking out of the window Marcus spots the vehicle in question. "That is a V-120 Valkyrie. It can carry 4 Abrams. It's a heavy transport that has a good range and can fly to Greenland on one tank if it needed to." He explained.

  The convoy came to a crawl as the vehicles made their way through the gate and to their respective motor pools.

 "Mason, take us to the command center." Marcus says pointing at a building with a clock tower.


  Parking the vehicle in the parking lot the team gets out and heads towards the entrance. A guard approaches the team.

  "Stop! You are not allowed to park a military vehicle in this parking lot, take it back to the motor pool where you got it from."

  "Stop, you have violated the law!" Lucas mimics the guards voice earning a chuckle from the team.

"You are in violation of this command's policy. If you do not remove the vehicle from the premises I will be forced to inform your chain of command." The guard droned on almost as if he's given his speech many times before. 

"Leave them alone, they're guests." A voice says from behind the guard.

  The guard turns and quickly snaps into the position of attention. "Yes sir." He says. Holding the door for the group.

  The team enters the building and a bald man in a uniform is waiting for them in the reception area. 

  "Staff sergeant Brooks it's good to see you doing well. How is team Rainbow." The man asks Marcus.

  Marcus hold out his hand. "Colonel it's good to see you again, team Rainbow has been an amazing experience thank you for recommending me to their scouters."

The two shake hands. The colonel faces the rest of the team. "I received the roster from Mr. Fischer. Your talents will greatly improve the odds of success of this mission." the Colonel said. Leading the team to a conference room the Colonel opens the door revealing a packed room.

  "You must be the operatives from team Rainbow. Welcome to Fort Riley. I am Lieutenant General Mitchell." A man at the front of the room said.

  Marcus takes his seat next to the rest of his team. Mitchell turns on a projector which shows pictures of ships in port.

  "These ships have been caught offloading supplies at a port in Norway . Submarines stationed off the coast have trailed these ships and sound them offloading supplies and vehicles onto offshore platforms. Scans have shown several undersea tunnels, leading into various islands throughout the fjords." He says.

  "From what information we have gained the a subsect of the Russian government helped the Forgotten Army escape Ukraine and are rearming them with equipment and funds." A picture of a Russian submarine offloading food in a cave appears on the screen.

  "What does the Kremlin have to say about this?" Asked one of the team leaders. 

  "The Kremlin has officially denied any allegations that they're involved with this. They have deemed anyone helping to be deserters." Mitchell says moving onto the next photo.

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