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Dear Diary,

It's been a long time since the last time I wrote in my Diary.

I just got home from New York. Nandito lang ako sa Pilipinas for a vacation. I decided to stay at our old house. As I entered in my room. As I look back on the old days, every corner of my room reminded me the fragile and innocent Alyzza.

But now, I love the new version of me.

Well I'm now a professor in a prestigious school. A youngest one in the faculty and I teach Philosophy.

The another reason why I came back is that finally Elle and Karl tied the knot.

Yes, Elle and Karl got married yesterday.

As I see their faces happy. I think the pain that I felt is all worth it. As years passed, I finally realized that Karl is not the one for me. If there was a chance to do over the situation, still we will never be a together as a couple. Because we are not for each other. It was Ellena. And It is always be her.

In the whole 5 years, There are so many things that I learned and realized. I finally learned to live and stand up by myself. I learned that hindi ko dapat inaasa sa iba ang aking kasiyahan. I learned to love myself . I learned that never be afraid to try new things. Life is short. Live the moment. Make memories.

I finally accepted that my role in Karl's life is a sister to him, A bestfriend who swore to protect him no matter what happens.

Like they say, My biggest mistake wasn't falling for you. It was thinking you had fallen for me too.

To those who are secretly in love with someone who does not love you back.

My advice is take a risk. Don't let fear stop you. Because fear hold us back to something that we wanted to reach.

Take a leap. Say it before it's too late.

You'll never know, maybe she or he feels the same way too.

If ever you got rejected, It's okay. You just have to accept that fact and move on.

Every rejection has a reason. Maybe, you are not for each other. Maybe that opportunity isn't yours to claim.

Trust me, I know it.

This is Alyzza Marie Montez, signing off

I am now not afraid to love again and I will not let fear bring me down.


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