Chapter 1: Something Doesn't Right Here

699 15 6

Location: Azur Lane's Base

Date: ???

??? hours

??? POV

???: "Surrender now commander!"

???2: "You better do what we say, or perhaps.... we must kill you!!"

???3: "Wait, what's my fault?"

???4: "You were caught sexually assaulting some of the shipgirl here."

???3: "Hah, that's bullshit!! What's your proof?"

???: "Sorry, but we got our order. So, goodbye."


One week ago

Location: Azur Lane Base

Date: 12 Nov 2021

1000 hours

Kazuto POV

I am Kazuto Hiiragi, one of the Azur Lane's commander. I only been commander for 5 years, but I already give many victory for humanity against Siren with help from shipgirl. Little they know I also the Assassin, the secret group that dedicate themself for freedom of humanity. Assassin's higher-ups put me here not only because my record from naval academy, but they also want to monitor to make sure those shipgirls are not used for Templar's benefit.

I brought so many victories against Sirens, thanks to my knowledge of naval battle strategies, and I always treat shipgirl with care. I never been violent or perverted to them that would destroy their trust in me. But recently some shipgirl look at me with anger or afraid in their eyes. Also I heard them talking behind my back. I've been wondering this all the time, maybe someone, or in this case, other commander spread bad rumors about me. But how I gonna proof that?

Four days later

Date: 16 Nov 2021

Third person POV

Kazuto still in his office doing his work. But the tension from the shipgirls make him even more uncomfortable. So he will discuss with Belfast about this.

*knock* *knock*

Kazuto: "Come in!"

Then Belfast comes in.

Belfast: "You call me Master?"

Kazuto: "Yeah. There is something I want to talk about."

Belfast: "What is that?"

Kazuto: "Have you notice something strange recently, you know, the rumors about me?"

Belfast: "Hm, yeah I heard that too. But still, how can they think badly of you?"

Kazuto: "That's why I call you. Maybe you know something?"

Belfast: "Sorry Master, I afraid I don't know about it. But maybe I can help you to proof your innocence?"

Kazuto: "Good. Also, are you believe in me?"

Belfast: "Of course I believe in you. You already in this base about 5 years, and we know you never do something bad to the girls here."

Kazuto: *smile* "Thank you Belfast. You can go now."

Belfast: *bow* "Your welcome Master."

Then Belfast out of the room.


Belfast: "Looks like he doesn't seem suspect anyone, Master."

Belfast talk to ??? with her purple eyes slightly glowing gold.

???: "Hmm, good. Just reassure him so he never realize my plan."

Belfast: "Yes, Master."

Three days later

Date: 19 Nov 2021

Kazuto POV

I feel more uncomfortable about this. Almost all shipgirls seems hate me and I can hear them talk "you better die" or "leave him alone", so all I can do is lock myself up in my office. Somehow I feel bad things will happen soon, so I already prepared everything just in case.

Then suddenly some of shipgirl barged in to my office, and they pointing their rigging to me.

Takao: "Surrender now commander!"

Prince of Wales: "You better do what we say, or perhaps.... we must kill you!!"

Kazuto: "Wait, what's my fault?"

Bismarck: "You were caught sexually assaulting some of the shipgirl here."

Kazuto: "Hah, that's bullshit!! What's your proof?"

Takao: "Sorry, but we got our order. So, goodbye."

They fire their cannon, but I throw smoke grenade to them and escape through the window, then I boarded the small motor boat and went as far as possible.

In Kazuto office

Third person POV

Kazuto's office now is a mess. The shipgirl who try to kill him still standing there until someone come in.

???: "How's the situation, did you kill him?"

Bismarck: "No sir. He already escape."

???: "What, how? I choose you girls because I thought you're the best I have."

Takao: "Sorry sir. It's because he throwing smoke grenade to us."

???: "Tch, whatever. What's important is now that he's gone, and after I expelled the other commanders, I'll take control of this base myself."

All girls with their eyes glowing gold shout in unison.

All girls: "Yes, Commander Howard."

Howard: "Good. Now dismissed!"

All girls dismissed.

Howard POV

Hahaha, goodbye Assassin. You're the only hindrance for my plan. After I expelled the other commanders, I can use these girls for Templar cause.

*phone ringing*

I look at my phone. Hm, it's him.

Me: "Hello, how's the situation in HQ?"

???: "He is dead."

Me: "Good. Everything is going as planned. Keep me updated."

???: "Yes sir."

*call ended*

Then I pull out a "special item" from my uniform.

Me: "With this, everyone in this base is under my control. Hahahaha."

To be continued

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