"You came once, I told once. Come again and I'll say again." I spoke smiling smugly.

"Okay fine." He gave up.

We reached my two-wheeler and he hopped on first. I looked at him in a questioning manner and he said, "I'm driving."

"You sure you can? With me behind?" I asked notoriously.

"Of course, unless you push me or shut my eyes." He replied confidently.

I nodded my head smiling sheepishly and rolling my tongue. I got on the vehicle and seated myself as far as I could from him. I had a few evil things in mind but in order to be effective, it should be sudden and unexpected. I was waiting for the busy main roads to end so that we don't end up dying because of my naughty deeds. Jay turned the scooty around the corner and the whole street was empty.

I slid down the seat, very close to Jay. I extended my hands under his arm to reach the front. I gently placed them over his chest and waited for his reaction. I made sure to not place them firmly on him but much like a feathery touch so as to give him the tickling feeling. I slowly moved my hands up and down in a sensual manner, tugging his shirt now and then in the process. He immediately wiggled and the scooter replicated his gesture.

"Amaira, what are you doing?" His voice showcased terror.

"Hmm?" I placed my chin over his shoulder and peeped into his face. His eyes were fixated on the road ahead but I could very well see his mind was distracted. I rubbed my cheeks onto his' and pulled his shirt. I then bent my head a little and blew warm air onto his neck. At once I noticed his entire epidermis standing in attention. He adjusted in his seat and I let out a big laugh.

"I'm stopping since I don't want to risk both of our lives." I declared.

"No!!" He retorted at once.


"I mean you can continue. I was not even once percent fazed by it. If you don't believe do it again and see." He said.

"No need for that anymore. Now, I know sitting simply, doing nothing will do the deed." His face showed disappointment and he accelerated the scooty which was now slower than the pace of an average human walking.

We reached our home in a few minutes. I got down and hurried into the house as I was not ready to face the aftermath of the little stunt I pulled earlier. I wasted no time before going to my room and shutting the door behind me. I let out a sigh of relief and went to the washroom to freshen up. I came out drying my face with a towel and changed into comfortable clothes. I slowly opened the door and peeped out to see if Jay was anywhere at my sight. His room door was shut so I came out to make dinner.

I transferred the gravy into a bowl and placed them on the dining table. Jay had not yet come out and I have no idea what he is doing inside for so long. Losing patience at one point in time, I walked to the door and knocked on it.

"Jay, come out and have dinner." I yelled.

There was no answer. I turned the knob and the door opened. There was no sight of Jay inside. I turned around to check in other places but no, he was nowhere to be found. He certainly could not have been in my room since I didn't hear it being opened after I came out. The latch of the main door was closed from inside, meaning he is inside the house. My heartbeat rose gradually, anticipating for him to appear out of nowhere and scare the shit out of me.

"Jayyyy!!! Where are you?"

No response.

"Jay this isn't funny. The food is getting cold. If you don't come out now, I'm going to complete the whole dish by myself. I swear I'll lick the plate clean so that you wouldn't even get a drop of gravy." I warned.

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