Chapter 8: First try

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It's crazy how your entire life can change within seconds

It's crazy how your entire life can change within seconds

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Narrator POV

The clock read 9 55 meaning she only had 5 minutes till lunch break.

She had to somehow get out of class and place that letter in Hyunjins locker.

So she did the obvious

"Mr.Yang I need to go to the washroom."

She thought the teacher would disagree considering the fact that they only had 5 minutes left till lunch.

But no

"Whatever you can go." The teacher stated with a completely annoyed tone. I mean who would want to teach a bunch of teenagers who like to gossip rather than listen to their teacher, definitely not me.

Not spending a single second the girl grabbed her bag and ran out of the classroom.

She quickly made it to Hyunjins locker.

She was definitely out of breath as she was breathing pretty heavily but she didn't have time

Her hands reached the zipper of her peach backpack before opening it in a rushed manner.

Soon later she took out the letter.

She only had 1 minute left before the class ends so without thinking twice she opened Hyunjins locker and placed the letter in.

She muttered something under her breath before quickly running towards her locker.

Well she was just on time as students were soon rushing towards their lockers.

Some in pairs while others alone.

Her eyes scanned the entire crowd before finally spotting someone whom she was waiting for.

He was walking towards his locker with his friend Seungmin.

He clearly didn't notice the girl that was standing on the opposite side.

Which was for the best.

Minyoung got even more nervous as her eyes followed his hands which were now resting on the locker handle.

Any moment now he would see the letter.

Imma leave y'all on a cliffhanger

Secret Admirer~ Hwang HyunjinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant