Chapter 2: Hidden Feelings

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It's always the nice people, who end up with broken hearts.

It's always the nice people, who end up with broken hearts

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Minyoung POV

"Youngieeee" a voice squealed from afar as Minyoung couldn't help but crack a smile.

"Thank God I don't have to walk to school now."

This remark earned her a smack from her friend Hyunjin

"Bruh I thought you were happy to see me, you are mean." The boy scoffed trying to put on an angry expression.

"Please don't make that face you look ugly asf."

The girl smirked at the thought of annoying her friend as she exclaimed

"This is it I'm getting a new friend." Hyunjin said trying to maintain a stern voice.

"Sure, now get on the bus."

The girl got on the bus leaving Hyunjin dumbfounded.

"YAH, NOT EVEN A SORRY." He complained as his feet made his way towards her seat after getting on the bus.

"I sincerely apologize to this extremely kind and handsome man who is seated right beside me, please accept my apology gentleman." She said as her hands swayed in the air in a dramatic way while her tone was filled with sarcasm.

"Apology accepted cause I sure am a gentleman." Hyunjin said fixing his imaginary watch as he earned a chuckle from Minyoung.

"Why is it so windy today." The girl questioned Jiheon her best friend.

The wind was blowing not so slowly yet not so roughly. It was at a comfortable pace but Minyoung didn't like it.

The feeling of cold wind brushing through her soft skin was not something she enjoyed.

The wind blowed in different directions kindly messing her hair up as well.

" It's not that bad tho." Jiheon replied as the girls made their way to their classes.

The hallway was not the busiest it can be as they still had about 20 minutes left till class starts.

The girls parted ways when Minyoung reached her class.

"Let's survive one more day." She mumbled before opening the classroom door to reveal her teacher sitting there with a bunch of papers on his desk.

Slowly yet confidently she made her way to he her desk as her bag was thrown into the seat beside her.

"Good morning Miss Kwo." The teacher greeted with his usual strict tone.

"Good morning sir." She replied lacking interest.

"I've got the results from your last class test."

This made her quickly sit up straight.

Shit she wasn't mentally prepared for today.

Minyoung wasn't exactly a bad student,. She would always get a B, a C or sometimes an A. Basically an average student.

But this test...

She messed up, b a d l y

The seat beside her soon got occupied as most of the students had arrived.

"Okay class." Mr. Park spoke up.

"I've got the results from your last test and trust me it's not the best. " he said in a rather concerned voice

The students groaned as they shifted in their seats.

"Only 4 of you got A's." He said handing out the results.

As soon as the paper hit her table she lifted it up as her eyes quickly moved to the corner of the paper.

"23 out of 50" she mumbled, disappointment clearly visible in both her tone and her face.

"Those who got less than 50% please come up to my desk ."

The girl slowly made her way to the desk with her head hung low from all the embarassment as a few more students made their way to the desk as well.

"I'm disappointed in all of you." The professor exclaimed.

"So all of you are going to volunteer in cleaning the classrooms after school." He stated pointing towards the students in front of him.

"Bu-" one of the students tried to interrupt only to get cut off.

"No buts, now get back to your seats and let's start the lesson."

I'm tryna take things slow idk why

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