Meet the Mallcop

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The six children walked in. Holding their mother's hands. Then a figure, about 6 feet in height came to greet the kids. "Hi kids! I'm Mr Mallcop, but you can call me Ron. I'll be helping you in preschool while you're here. Everyone sit in a circle, moms feel free to join your kids or grab a drink from the staff room. Let's go around the circle, tell me your name and one fact about you!"

Ron points to Caitlin. "How about we start with you." Caitlin hid behind her mom as she stood up nervously. "Don't worry honey, it's ok." Mrs Cooke reassured her daughter. Caitlin emerged from behind her mom. "I'm C-Caitlin and my favourite colour is pink." Caitlin said to the rest of the kids. "Nice to meet you Caitlin, moving on to the girl next to you."

Jenny stood up proudly, she was the only one there without her mom, who was standing by the door, drinking coffee. "My name is Jennifer Anne Masterson, but please call me Jenny. My name's confusing. Every Christmas me and my family go snowboarding. I won a silver medal from my group last year!" She smiled as she mentioned her medal. She then sat back down. "It's a pleasure to meet you Jenny. You're daughter's very well spoken, Ms Masterson." Ron said to the group. "Well done Jenny! Your Dad would be so proud!" Mrs Masterson told her daughter.

"Young man, it's your turn now." Ron told Jonsey, pointing to him. Jonsey stood up and told the group "My name is Jonsey and I think girls are pretty. I love your butterfly shirt Caitlin!" He said smiling, as he sat down. "Thank you!" Caitlin smiled. "Lovely Jonsey, next!" Ron said to the group

Next was Nicole. She was loud and rebellious, but she was also refusing to speak. She hated new people. "Nicole Wong, you will speak in front of your classmates." Mrs Wong said to Nicole. "I'm not doing it!" Nicole protested. "Come on, it's 2 sentences at most!" Mrs Wong said. "Ugh ok. I'm Nikki, and I'm annoying. I don't make friends and I'll get you in trouble." Nicole mumbled. "Nice to meet you Nikki, or is it Nicole? What do you prefer?" Ron asked Nicole. "Nikki, no questions." Nikki sternly said.

"Ok, moving on. How about you?" Ron said, pointing to Wyatt. "I'm Wyatt and I like music. My favourite song is Old MacDonald. Wanna hear?" Wyatt was about to start singing when Ron stopped him. "Maybe later, Wyatt, but we have to get to know your last friend. And what's your name?" Ron asked Jude.

"Hello dudes and dudettes. I'm Jude and I like to skate with my friends at the little tots skater rink. I do contests like Jenny, but on my skateboard." Jude told the others. "Lovely to meet you Jude. And it's so nice to know you all." Ron told the group.

"Now I'm going to partner you up, for a team building activity. Jude and Jenny, Nikki and Jonsey and Wyatt and Caitlin. Let's go outside and start.


AN: 500 odd words, wow. Hope you enjoy this!

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