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"If you're here to get me out then I will not comply unless they come with." I cross my arms and stand my ground as Xavious mouths 'Why'.

Is he kidding me right now? He thinks I don't know.

"Why? Because you've left them here in an endless loop of a curse! Trapped in their wolf form and mate-less forever! That's not Alpha like is it? And what, all this to gain authority and power? What are you trying to prove?"

My unanswered questions are interrupted by Xavious slamming his fists against the barrier screaming a banter of his own... one that I am unable to hear of.

"Get us out or leave now!" My Luna tone has surfaced and his warriors have retreated a few paces back and have now fallen on their left knees, heads bowed.

Xavious on the other hand looks defeated as his wolf's red eyes begin to glow; his wolf Ajax hiding another story behind it, the real story.

In accordance to the days turn out, I begin distancing myself away from the jerk of a man who calls himself...The Alpha of all Alphas.


Demanding the whole pack to be gathered by noon at the hall of the elders I make my entrance on time. Taking my space upon the familiar marbled patterned stage of which I once walked upon with pride. Yet today I have humbled myself by taking a leap off the stage and into the crowd, addressing my pack as one of their own.

"This was long overdue, time cannot be able to tell you all how much I've abused my title. As history has it, our pack has been the highest of ranks due to its cruel Alphas and submissive warriors. The Alphas have superiority over all along with power, magic and number... though times have changed..."

Everyone was perplexed by my talk, all eyes were on me and for the first time I really take a look at everyone. From the elders to the young ones, all here supporting one another and most importantly to hear me out. With much encouragement from Heithen, I continue speaking.

"The truth is that, my father was the last one to carry out the ritual. Forced to become Alpha at a young age I was to follow upon their footsteps.... And so I became what everyone feared I was; an abomination, a vile creature or even a curse upon this earth! To be fair I have done no such act to be labelled as one and I shall be treated just as any other Alpha out there.

But know that I, we will take justice upon what the previous Alphas have done, what my father has done; cursing The Eight Warriors."

Gasps fill the air as everyone takes in the fact that 'The Eight Warriors' are still and always have been around.

"We witness to that which Alpha has spoken of, is true. We were there that night" The elders all stand from their individual thrones simultaneously. 

"...and I was the one who casted the barrier upon them per his fathers request and it is about time the True Alpha has taken his throne; to undo the wrong and injustice suffered by our people." The old woman among the Elders says.

"And we will be the first to help..." All four Elders that had stood, slowly pulled off the hood of their traditional robes revealing their faces.

Noticing only four elders were present my wolf lets out a loud grunt causing the crowd to disperse away from me.

The fifth elder was not present.

All members including the Elders were to meet here, if not here then there's only one other place that the Elder could've gone to.

I wanted to listen to my gut feeling about this long before but it's too late now.

I should've ended him when I had the chance.


The Hybrid AlphaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz