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"Oh, maybe I'll just take you home with me," Natasha cooed, nuzzling Nevie closer.

Knowing that his best friend and her girlfriend were denied by the adoption agency because of their sexuality, Steve softly smiled as he offered, "You can borrow them any time."

"I might just have to take you up on that," Nat agreed. Nosing at Nevie's soft hair, she deeply inhaled that content pup scent. Sadly smiling, "Now if I could only have one of my own."

"If I didn't want to keep every baby I had, I'd be your surrogate," Steve half-teased, trying to lighten the mood.

Natasha good-humoredly scoffed, "As if Bucky wouldn't blow a gasket at that."

Steve chuckled, tenderly bumping his shoulder against hers. Then, he added more seriously, "I mean it though. You can borrow mine any time... Especially after Bucky gets his vasectomy."

"Gross," Nat mocked a gag. Lifting Nevie until she was hovering over Natasha's face, the – recently colored – blonde told her, "Your papa and daddy are gross. Yes, they are. And I want you to call me whenever you need to escape. You hear me?"

Even though there was a slim-to-none chance that Nevie understood her godmother, the six week old cooed as though she did. Just a baby and her godmother having a conversation. The look on Natasha's face brought another smile to Steve's face even as his chest clenched at her situation.

"I'm really sorry, Nattie," Steve apologized even though it wasn't his fault.

Bringing Nevie back down, she shrugged, "Just being an auntie isn't so bad though." Still talking to the infant, "No, it's not bad at all."

Rubbing Nat's back, Steve half-joked, "Seriously, take them any time you want."

"Oh, I will," Natasha assured, nuzzling Nevie closer.

"Good," Steve smiled, marking his daughter's back.

Before anything else could be said, Kit rushed over to them as they sat on the back deck. All sandy from the sandbox fossil excavation, Kit asked, "When we have cake?"

"You wanna have cake now?" Steve asked, ruffling the toddler's curls, shaking some of the sand free. "Wanna open your presents too?"

Kit thought about it for a moment before excitedly nodding. Hopping up and down as he cheered, "Yes! Cake 'n presents!"

As Kit ran off to tell his cousins, Steve stood from his seat. Dusting off his shorts, he looked over at the table and noticed one of the nurses standing there with two little boys. Deciding to be the best host, he made his way over to them.

"Hi," he greeted them with a kind smile.

"Hi," the woman smiled, "I hope we aren't too late."

"No, you're fine," Steve assured. Looking down at the little boys, he gestured towards the rest of the backyard, "They're looking for fossils in the sandbox if you wanna join."

Hesitating, the little boys looked up at their mother. She nodded and encouraged, "It's okay. Go play."

With the go-ahead, the little boys ran off for the best of the backyard. Considering they had given the neighbors party invitations, Steve introduced himself, "I'm Steve."

"I remember. There's not a lot of triplets that we tend to," she smiled and shook his hand, "I'm Wanda. Wanda Maximoff. We're two houses over."

Power of Three: Green Series 7 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now