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Nine days after Bucky, Becca, and Finn's birthday, Steve and Bucky got the boys around to take them to Winnie and George's. As Bucky got the older boys ready for school, Steve triple checked the hospital bag. Making sure that there were three onesies for each baby, three long pajamas for each baby, socks, blankets, and diapers. When all those checked out, Steve folded the knotted infant gowns and packed them with matching hats and headbands.

"The boys are ready," Bucky informed, crossing the nursery to take the bag from Steve.

"Alright," Steve rubbed his abdomen. Looking around the nursery, Steve worried his lower lip while his mind ran over everything that could happen.

Pausing, Bucky marked Steve's back and asked, "Everything okay?"

Steve sighed, "Yeah. I just... Doesn't it seem weird?"

"What? What seems weird?" Bucky questioned as he herded Steve out of the nursery towards the garage.

Shrugging, Steve explained, "That I'm not in labor. That my water didn't break, and we aren't rushing to get to the hospital before the baby comes."

Considering Steve's words, Bucky reminded, "We chose to induce because it would be harder on all of you if you waited."

"I know," Steve acknowledged climbing into the passenger seat of the van. With Bucky's help, of course. "But it still feels weird. It's making me anxious."

"Stevie, don't stress about this," Bucky warned, "It's not good for you or the babies."

Still worrying his lower lip, he nodded. Half-agreeing so Bucky could be the calm one. Even giving his husband a smile so Bucky would feel reassured and lean into kiss him before closing the door and carrying the hospital bag to the trunk. When the boys were in their seats, Bucky climbed in behind the wheel.

Starting the engine, Bucky pulled out of the garage and closed the garage door behind them. Once they were on the street and heading for the family home, Steve extended his hand and was glad when Bucky laced their hands together. Rubbing over his stomach, Steve was glad when Bucky squeezed his hand to ground him.

"Papa, how come I no go?" The almost three year old, Kit, asked.

"Sunshine, you don't want to go," Steve assured, "It'll be super boring, and you'll have no fun."

"Daddy," Kit whined, not happy with Steve's explanation.

"Papa's right," Bucky pulled up outside of his parents' house, "You'll have no fun at all with us. But you'll have fun with bebe! That's way more fun than with us."

Putting the van in park, but not cutting the engine, Bucky instructed, "Tell papa, 'good luck,' and give him and the babies kisses."

Listening to their dad, the boys climbed out of their seats and Steve opened the passenger door. Not stepping out of the van, Steve ushered the boys to come closer. Kit was the first, needing some assistance from Bucky as he lifted him so Kit could kiss Steve's cheek and then kiss his bump.

"Love you, papa," Kit said, kissing his own palm as he blew a kiss.

Next was Finn. Steve fixed the little boy's glasses and kissed his forehead while he rubbed over the triplets, "Love you."

"I love you guys too," Steve confirmed, getting a little teary eyed. Especially when Oliver came closer. He couldn't believe how big all of his guys were, but especially how big his first baby was now.

Power of Three: Green Series 7 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve x Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now