Managing Boys (12)

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“Aria," my sister whined, "will you drive me to school?”

“No,” I denied.

“Aria!” Sophie now begged, practically getting down on her knees to beg me. “I don’t want to walk to school today! It takes too long and it’s boring.”

I shrugged. “Too bad. I don't have work today so I’m walking.”

Sophie let out a loud groan, throwing her arms up into the air as she turned to leave my room. “You have a car and you can drive, yet you still walk!” she cried out, exasperated. “I just don’t get it! If I could drive, I’d never walk again!”

I shook my head. She didn’t understand that walking was relaxing, even if it did take more time to do so. Sophie just didn’t care about those sorts of things like I did.

Usually I had Parker and Zoey walk with me, but today neither of them could, so I was all alone. Not that that really bothered me, since I really missed having time to myself. I was around the Hello Aria boys so much that I was almost forgetting how it was like to actually be alone.

As I walked to school, all I could think about were the boys and how people would react to them attending our school. The girls would love it. The boys would hate it.

Was it even safe for them to come to school? Their fans could be pretty vicious, and that’s being said by someone who’s related to one. Sophie once gave a boy a black eye because he was badmouthing them.

I was definitely nervous for the day. Not only was I dressing differently than I usually did, but I was going to have to walk around with four of the most popular guys in the world. It actually felt a little intimidating.

When I saw the four boys waiting for me, covered by hoods and sunglasses, I wasn’t about to stop. I was surprised no one had noticed them yet, but I was glad that they were being left alone. The last thing they were going to be during the school day was alone.

Grim was the first one to approach me as we made our way up the stairs to the entrance of the school.

“Still dressing like a slut, I see,” was the first thing he said to me.

“Still dressing like an asshole, I see,” was how I responded back to him.

“You see, Aria, I don’t just dress like an asshole, I am an asshole.”

“Well, I don’t just dress like a slut, I am a—” I then realized what I was about to say, and Grim did as well, considering his wide smirk. “Shut the hell up.”

He laughed. “I didn’t say anything.”

I scowled. “But you were going to.”

“Aria, Aria!” a new voice now said, and I was suddenly being crushed in a hug by Ben. “I’m glad we found you before school started!”

“He was nervous,” Sawyer smirked as both him and Ash made their way up to us now. “He thought we weren’t going to be able to find you and we wouldn’t have any idea what we’re supposed to be doing.”

Instead of responding, I just stared at them. Except for Grim, they weren’t wearing clothes that were obviously expensive like they usually did. With their backpacks slung over their shoulders, they looked like normal high school students. Minus the sunglasses, though it was against the rules to wear those in school, so they were going to have to take those off. Even Grim could pass as a normal teenager.

“Yeah, well, I’m pretty nervous, too,” I informed them honestly as we went inside. “I don’t know how any of the girls are going to respond to you being here. I already know it’s not going to be pretty.”

Managing BoysWhere stories live. Discover now