Scared son of Poseidon

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I glared at her but then Chiron took this chance to question me further "and why Mr. Jackson to answer Miss Bobofit's question would this piece of information be helpful?" 

Grover muttered busted under his breath whilst I sighed in annoyance before explaining "It's an example of karma and less indirect guide onto what to do if such an event on a less extreme level happened to you, Mr. Brunner." 

Chiron looked at me approval shining in his eyes before looking at the girl's stele as if he had been at the funeral- never mind he probably was. Chiron asked to talk to James before the end of the lesson and I told Grover to go wait for me outside whilst I got in position to see James get the absolute shit scared out of him. I was waiting in the corner, bow in hand as I saw Alecto and James approach my position "Did you really think you could get away with it?" she questioned

James stiffed and had tears in their eyes "W-w-what do you mean Mrs. Do-Dodds?" he said

And then all of sudden she turned went into her true form as a fury which to me looked like an old hag with a few pairs of batwings, I saw Chiron run towards them and Alecto growled at James so I went through the last step of the plan and shot Alecto with the mortal arrow as she proceeded to shadow travel back to the underworld. Chiron looked at me, nodded, and then snapped his fingers to try to make James 'ignorant' for as long as possible which I think is a terrible plan but has too arrogant to say any different and as if he will admit he pissed his pant. 


Everyone was acting like James was crazy, ever since the Alecto incident, he's been scared shitless of the shadows and keeps questioning everyone on Mrs. Dodds which proceeds to make him look like a psycho. Grover, Chiron, and I knew the truth but for some reason they wanted to keep him ignorant, I just went along because he looks like an ugly scared kitten and I honestly think it's hilarious. I've been IM'ing my parents more recently getting ready for the move to camp, mum set up a cheap mortal home where she going to pretend to be a mortal whilst they take me to camp, I found out that Hades isn't too fond of the Poseidon spawn, dad will probably send something to toy with him but he wouldn't dare order something to try kill the son of Poseidon whilst his Master Bolt is missing, afterward... maybe. but before then the sea spawn should be fine. 

It's the last day of school until we go back to our 'homes' some people have asked me what I'm doing and I've just said 'camp' and now they all think I'm going to some super spar summer camp. Mortal traditions are weird, I gave Grover my address for if he needs to get me for camp and then proceeded to walk to the 'mortal home' mum set up for us for the next day or two. About 5 minutes away from the house I saw three old ladies knitting a really large sock, then my face went pale when I realized they were the fates. All free looked but instead of cutting the string they gave each gave me a different set of visions from... fighting Ares? to be lifted on a shield for the legion. 

Once I got to the mortal home mum set up we decided to catch up properly, watch a movie or two and just have some fun before the utter Chaos begins.


After enjoying some quality time with my mother we heard a knock on the door and both huffed in annoyance as that can only mean one thing. I went to open the door and saw a pale, exhausted Grover who quickly said "Fates... cut string... James ran away... help find" 

I looked at my mother who nodded as she tossed me the keys to a brand new Toyota and told Grover to hop in, he looked skeptical but realized it's our best chance at finding the idiot that ran away just after the Fates snapped a string THAT COULD BE HIS... how much of a relief that would be but we still need him if we're going to stop a war between the whole of Olympus, mother told me that Poseidon has been acting weird most likely due to his son and so he started to suspect he was the thief which obviously was vetoed by everyone else but my father can be a tad stubborn at times so he still blames him. After a while of searching, we find a cabin where I detect his aura "Isn't that his mum's car Grove?" I asked

Grover looked at the car and sighed in relief before nodding, we quickly rushed to the cabin and banged on the door, after a while a short woman with brown hair and sea blue eyes answered and grew pale at me and Grover and ushered everyone into her car whilst I was protesting to use mine since it's in better condition but she said "No, your a child and shouldn't have to drive" 

I allowed her to drive us whilst I was wondering how a woman as nice as this got a child as bad as James, and why in Tartarus is he pretending to be an angel right now instead of that stuck-up brat at school. After a while, the minotaur started chancing us as I silently cursed the fates and started firing arrows out the window. We were right near camp when I felt my father's presence and told everyone to jump out of the car, All but James did which sent his mother into hysteria. Once he finally got out of the car we all rushed to Thalia's tree, Jameses mother couldn't get in and she told him to go get help whilst Grover got slammed into the trunk of Thalia's tree rendering him unconscious. I decided to take on the beast in order to save my friend and Jameses mother "Hey beef brains over here" I yelled

He didn't take to that kindly and charged at me in his fruit-o-loop underwear. I uncapped Lightning and charged it with electricity before rolling to the left and slashing it across the beast's side, it roared in a pain and looked at my eyes full of hatred, and charged once again this time I used the winds to propel me upwards and then slam downwards towards the beast's sword first causing a big gash across its head before it charged off towards Jameses mother who then disappeared in a flash of golden light. Enraged I used my powers over manipulating emotions (power of a demigod child of Hera) and made the Minotaur feel great loss and sadness making it suddenly stop and fall to its knees tears coming out of its eyes but I didn't care and quickly slashed my sword through its neck making it disappear in a burst of golden dust. I went over to Grover picked him up and thought of how much of a coward the sea spawn is not even getting anyone to help, my adrenaline gone and my overuse of powers tired of and I made it to the steps of the farmhouse before collapsing and the last thing I heard before falling unconscious was "He must be the one"

Percy Jackson Son of Hera and Zeus [BEING REWRITTEN]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant