Good old fashioned Lover Boy

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The large glass doors of the jewellry store opened under the pressure of Kira’s hand as he walked inside, setting off a chime of cheerful bells.

He breathed in the fumes of the women working in the store, it felt as if the whole place was filled with perfume.

He walked through the store, unaware of the eyes that had locked themselves onto him for a split second before looking away as he approached his desired display.

He walked over to the watch section of the shop and looked through the selection before picking up a watch with a black leather belt and a silver clock and clasp.

He brought the simple watch with heavy steps over to the cash register, locking eyes with the cashier who took his breath away.

She was small in stature but generally average height.

She had long brown vintage style pin curls, ruby red lips, and sharp eyeliner but bright amber eyes like a cat.

She was dressed elegantly in a white button up shirt and a black pencil skirt.

“Good afternoon sir,” she said with a soft smile.

“G-good afternoon, I would like to purchase this watch please,” he said, placing the watch on the counter, watching as she took the watch.

Her hands were slender with her nails painted a soft peach color.

“That will be 4 429 yen, would you like a bag or do you plan on wearing it out of the store?” she asked as she turned to the cash register as Kira handed her the yen.

“Oh it isn’t for me, it’s for my girlfriend…” he said stoically.

“Well, she’s a very lucky woman,” the cashier replied as she put the watch in a small paper bag with white handles. “Have a good day sir,” she said, handing him the bag.

As he took it from her their hands touched for just a moment.

“You as well.”

Kira rushed out of the store as the cashier rested her elbows on the counter while cradling her head in one of her hands.

“Hey, no fraternizing with the customers Haruna,” shouted one of her co workers, hitting her on the head with a roll of newspaper.

‘Haruna…..what a beautiful name’ Kira thought as he hid around the corner of the store.

“I wasn’t Matsuda-san, just resting.”

“Well, he’s bad news anyways. That’s Yoshikage Kira, he’s a little…..strange.”

“I don’t think anyone could be more strange than Takashi Sugiyama. He’s such a perv,” Haruna sighed.

‘Takashi Sugiyama….. He works in my division….’

“Sometimes I wish he would just disappear!”



“Good afternoon Sugiyama,” Kira said as he approached his co-workers table where he peacefully ate his lunch.

“Oh, Kira-san! Good afternoon,” Takashi greeted with a glob of mayonnaise stuck in the corner of his mouth from his sandwich.

“I wanted to speak to you about something. Do you happen to know anyone working in the jewelry department?” asked Kira sitting across from Takashi.

“Oh ho ho, you’re getting bold! Of course I know them! They’re some of the most beautiful women in this store! Hehe sometimes, I wait outside the women's restroom just to talk to some of them,” Takahashi snickered. “Especially that Haruna Yukimura. She’s just gorgeous! I found out where she bought her perfume and I bought a little travel sized bottle just so I can smell her!” Takahashi boasted.

Rage seared through Kira’s veins as he heard this slob talk so disgustingly.

“Sugiyama, I wanted to talk to you about some important business, please follow me to my office,” Kira instructed, watching Takahashi rush to pack up his lunch.

“Yes Kira-san, right away!”

Kira led the small statured man through the waves of people rushing to get their lunch and into his office before grabbing Takahashi’s hand and shutting the door with a click of it’s lock.

“W-what’s going on Kira-san?” Takahashi chuckled.

“Unfortunately, due to your harassment of our company's female workers, you’re fired,” Kira smirked as he summoned Killer Queen, watching as Takahashi’s body contorted into a series of explosions leaving nothing behind.

Killer Queen returned as Kira straightened his jacket and tie before unlocking his door and opening it to find Haruna about to knock on his door.

“Oh, hello Kira-san. I was hoping to find you here… you left your receipt in the jewelry department so I reached out to management and asked where I might find your office. One of my coworkers told me about you!” Haruna rambled.

“And one of mine told me about you. Thank you Yukimura-san,” Kira said as he took the receipt from her, “Say, would you like to accompany me for lunch today? I’m quite lonely during lunch hours.”

“Oh, of course Kira-san! I have no plans either, but wouldn’t your girlfriend join you? I’m sure she wouldn’t leave you to be lonely!”

“Unfortunately, she rejected my gift offer. Instead, deciding to break off our relationship,” Kira explained as he moved closer to the edge of the door frame, taking out a wrapped object feeling it burst into a small explosion leaving no evidence but a small pang in his chest.

“I’m so sorry Kira-san, well then of course I’ll have lunch with you!”


“Wow, they really do make the best sandwiches in Morioh!” Haruna exclaimed.

“I would never lie to you Yukimura-san,” Kira said, holding some crumbled sandwich bags in his hand.

“Well I never suspected you of lying, I just needed proof.”

“Ah of course.”

“So, tell me a bit about yourself Kira,” Haruna said.

“Well, I live in the northeast section of Morioh where all the villas are, I’m 33 years old, I occasionally enjoy drinking, and I have yet to be married, I also have a very strict night time schedule,” Kira explained.

“Very specific, well I’m 27, I live in downtown Morioh, I also have yet to marry, I mostly go with the way of life, and I don’t mind a nice glass of wine once in a while.”

“Interesting. Now something tells me you had an ulterior motive when coming to my office to bring me a receipt which I never asked for. I find loose papers to be a bother. So why go all the way to my office just to bring me a small piece of paper?” Kira asked.

“Well, it’s company protocol to give our customers their receipts but I find your questioning will come to no avail. I do not have any ulterior motive for trying to bring you your receipt.”

“That still does not explain why you chose to go all the way to my office instead of leaving it with the mail staff.”

“Because that doesn’t make sense? The mail staff wouldn’t know who to bring it to,” said Haruna.

Kira sighed.

“You aren’t exactly answering my question Haruna. Why go through all the trouble of finding me?” Kira asked, reflexively bringing out Killer Queen for protection as he leaned closer to Haruna.

He was shocked as Haruna grabbed the sides of his face, pulling him closer to her, and planting a kiss on his lips before pulling away and standing up from the ground.

“That might answer your question,” she said before running away from the tree they sat under.

Kira sat astonished as he watched her run away with only one thought on his mind.

“I’m going to marry her.”

Good old fashioned Lover Boy (Yoshikage Kira x OC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat