Chapter 6

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As Merlin was getting Arthur's room ready for bed, there was a knock on the door.

"Enter." Arthur said.

Morgana entered, holding a tray, filled with the desserts that never got eaten at dinner.

"I've brought you two some sweets," She said, setting down the tray on the table. "I ate half of the cake, but I left the rest for you to share," She said, giving Arthur a pointed look.

"Only you could have eaten half a cake by yourself, Morgana."

"Oh please, Arthur, I could have finished the whole thing, with room for more, but I decided to be generous." Merlin had a sneaky suspicion that it wasn't just generosity that made Morgana give them the desserts.

As she turned to leave, she looked back and gave Merlin a saucy wink, and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Have fun, boys!" She called out, shutting the door behind her.

Arthur had a strange look on his face. Nevertheless, he pulled out a chair, and motioned for Merlin to sit, then sat down himself across from him.

"Generosity my ass," Merlin mumbled, suddenly feeling a bit shy. When he chanced a glance at Arthur, he was surprised to see him staring at him with a slight smile on his face. When Arthur saw that he had been caught however, he cleared his throat.

"Right then, what should we start with?"

Merlin shrugged. He'd never had half of the treats on the tray. Growing up in a tiny village like Ealdor, and then becoming a manservant, hadn't exactly provided lots of opportunities for finer dining. When he said as much to Arthur, he looked horrified.

"Well then, you've got to try a bit of everything!"

Arthur first handed Merlin a slice of cake, which had strawberries, and cream on the top. Next, it was a kind of smaller cake, with dates, soaked in brandy, whatever that was. Next, it was tarts, and then some kind of pudding.

By the end of it, Merlin's head buzzed a bit from all the sugar, and he felt warm, and sleepy.

"You eat like this every day?" Merlin asked, incredulous.

Arthur shuffled in his seat, and looked away. "Not every day. But, most days, yes." He looked guilty, and Merlin realized it had become apparent to Arthur just how far apart they were in status.

"I don't think I would like dessert everyday," Merlin mused. "I'd rather just have it as a treat every now, and then. Keeps it special."

Arthur chuckled. "You say the strangest things sometimes."

"What? You don't agree?" Merlin leaned his head back against the back of the chair, and closed his eyes.

"I don't agree or disagree. I just think it's an opinion not many would take."

"I didn't know people had opinions on dessert."

"You do."

"Hm. I guess I'm just special like that."

Merlin could feel himself drifting off, and could just register a pair of strong arms gently lifting him up, and depositing him on something soft. Merlin drifted off into a deep sleep. 

Teeheehee. I'm posting the next chapter right now, hopefully. Anyways, thanks for reading! xoxo lovies. 


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