Chapter 5

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Arthur stifled a yawn, wishing dinner would be over so he wouldn't have to listen to his father prattle on, and on about his glory days. While it was boring, it only served to highlight all of Arthur's insecurities. That he would never be the renowned warrior that his father was, that he would never meet his father's expectations of him. And while a part of Arthur knew that Uther had unrealistic standards, standards for perfection he himself couldn't meet, it still hurt to know that Arthur wouldn't ever be able to make his father proud.

He swallowed hard, and tried to distract himself from his thoughts. Luckily, just the right distraction came. Merlin entered the Great Hall with the dessert, and more wine, but just then Arthur didn't care so much about that. He only cared about the fact that Merlin was there. Merlin's face lit up when he saw Arthur, and he gave him a sunny smile. Arthur could feel his own face brighten with happiness, and he gave an eye roll towards Uther's direction.

Merlin had to hide his smile as he bowed, and then started to refill their goblets.

"Thank you, Merlin." Arthur said quietly, giving him a gentle smile, and looking him right in the eyes. They stayed like that for a few seconds, until Merlin seemed to sense Morgana's eyes taking in the scene. She shot them a mischievous smirk, and wiggled her brows. Arthur made a face at her, and she stuck out her tongue at him.

"Are you even listening to me? Are you two ever capable of acting like adults!?" Uther yelled, the vein in his forehead popping. Uther's yelling had caused Merlin, who had been distracted watching Morgana, and Arthur's silent exchange, to startle and drop the jug of wine. It spilled all over the floor, and on Uther's shirt, which unfortunately was white.

Uther's eyes took on a dangerous glow. He was already inebriated, and the situation would have infuriated him when he was sober. Merlin's eyes were wide as Uther stood up, and grabbed his shirt front. Arthur and Morgana stood as well.

"Have you no respect for your superiors, you clumsy oaf!" Uther shouted. "I should have you thrown in the stocks for such carelessness, at the very least."

Arthur could see Merlin about to give a snarky retort, and he wasn't keen to see the consequences.

"Father, that's enough."

Uther turned on him, eyes wild. "Are you defending him?"

"He is my manservant, and I will see to it that he gets what he deserves. But, father, you are making a fool of yourself, and are clearly intoxicated," Arthur's placating seemed to calm Uther down a bit, though the vein in his forehead still throbbed. "Now, excuse me while I deal with Merlin here."

Arthur grabbed Merlin's arm, and dragged him out the door, and into the outside corridor.

"Do you always have to grab me? I suppose it would be too much to ask for me to follow you, wouldn't it?" Merlin grumbled, rubbing his arm.

Arthur snorted. "You have a habit of not following orders, and if you stuck around much longer, there'd be no telling just what idiotic things you'd tell Uther."

"Don't I have a few choice things to say to him, mainly that he could take his tyranny, and shove it up his-"


"What?" Merlin said, eyes widening with mock innocence.

Arthur just shook his head, chuckled, and started making his way up to his chambers. "You have a lot of nerve. One day you're going to sass the wrong person, and you're going to end up beheaded."

"Better than being beheaded for the other reason."

Arthur stopped short. "Don't say that." He said, softly.

"Why not?"

"Because, as long as I'm around, you're not going to get beheaded for that reason. Or any other reason, for that matter."

"You won't be around forever though, Arthur."

Arthur swiped a hand over his eyes. "I know, and I don't like knowing that fact."

"Ah well, just for your peace of mind, I'll attempt to not provoke anyone enough for them to behead me."

"Your idea of not provoking anyone enough to behead you, is very different from other people's."

Merlin just laughed. "Well, maybe more people should be like me then."

Arthur snorted. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Probably not, but who knows? Could be fun." 

Ngl, Morgana is the biggest Merthur shipper. Alrighty loves, you know the drill, constructful critcism is accepted, but no hate! Keep being the gorgeous people you are, and as the great Harry Styles says, "Treat people with kindness!" xoxo lovies <3

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