Small One shot 😳

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This is a small One shot since Im slow at updating and too impatient to show you.........
So I guess it's a trailer??


So everyone obviously met FFoxy and y/n. They didn't that FFoxy could sing.
Y/n and Alastor were talking about killing and some stuff like that. Seeing Y/N laughing with someone else made Foxy jealous. He made a little narrowed his eyes and YK Alastor could feel someone looking at him.

FFoxy pov - & FP pov
"Why don't you tell him already." Charlie says. "I don't know what you're talking about." I say while crossing my arms and looking away. "Oh come on it's obvious." Vaggie says while rolling and crossing her arms at the same time. I looked at Vaggie then back at Charlie. Her eyes light up and sparkles "You like y/n!!!" (Why did it remind me of "You like Maddie!" meme) She said all excited. My eyes widened and I blush dark red.

"SHUUUUUU, he might hear you!!" I told her. "Oh! Sorry sorry, I'm just happy for you. You HAVE to tell him. Right Vaggie?!" "Yeah I agree with Charlie. And believe me I've been there." She said reassuring me. "Really?" I asked "Yeah. But that's a story for another time. Right now you need to go tell YN you like him." I blushed again "I-i-..No I can't!!"
"And why can't you?" Vaggie said crossing her arms. "Me and y/n are friends.. all we do is kill night guards and scare them.. that's all we'll ever do and that's all we'll ever be..." I said trying so hard to deny my feelings about him.

"Oh! I know! You should sing about him. You know, about how you feel. But we should all sing so no one would be suspicious of us." Charlie said.

"Like a talent show?" Vaggie questions.

"Exactly. A talent show." Charlie said With determination.

"Hey guys, let's do a✨talent show!✨" She announced.

"A what now." Angel said while sucking on another popsicle.

"Yeah no. Talent shows aren't for me. I'll pass." Husk said taking another sip of cheap booze.

"Oh come on it'll be fun." She said trying to get everyone to take part in the show. Eventually she did.

~Time skip~
Some people had already went. Alastor had just finished singing 'Feeling good' by Michael Bublè. They had just found out that Y/N could sing so they begged him. And eventually he gave in.

YN teleported on stage while everyone's attention was on him. He turned into a girl version of himself. Everyone was shocked. Alastor stayed the same but his eyes were a little bit wider with his grin growing. Y/n's body was a little bit slimmer the boy version of himself.

Y/n's eyes turn black white dots shinning bright in the dark.(stage dim lights are there too)

"LoL lol. LoL Lol.
I feel so out of place.
Please stand by
Await your deadly fate."

When Y/N said that Alastor smirk widened.

"Glitching through the system
Can't outrun.
Better watch your step if not I'll come.
I feel so out of place. (LoL)"
"Turn out the lights tonight."
"I'm getting faded"
"A strobe within the shadows,"

Yns head stayed still as his body was floating and twisted around.

"Deep commission,
"Even though I got a coat of color
I never hesitate to come close smother"
"You and all your friends,"

Y/N points to a random demon watching. (Yes since it's a talent show you have a big audience) The demon widened, because y/n was seeing right through him.

"That's where I come in." Y/N grinned.
"LoL it's time to laugh along with.
LoL my friends they call me Lolbit ^^'
"I feel so out of place
Please stand by
Await your deadly fate (LoL)"
"Glitching through the system
Can't outrun
Better watch your step if not I'll come
I feel so out of place" Y/N trying not to let his past get to him. So he kept smiling. And turned into his boy self.
Y/N glitches next to the random demon. The demon jumped at the demon appearing in front of him.

"Your in a dark room
Tryn to escape
But you got old friends new friends stuck in the way
You see an exit sign but it's a dead design
The red light screaming that your dead inside."
Of course the demon was scared because all eyes were on him. Y/n took his phone.

"Keeping you close to me
I take a picture." The demon shoved yn off and ran.

"💢😌Count it up 123
I'm going get ya."
"Sneaking up under your skin it will craw
Ready to strike in this virtual hall
Funtime for me as I'm howling along
(Dæd£y ãs thêy çømë)." Y/n's eyes were glitching when he said that. With that Alastor had an evil smirk plastered on his face. (Skip to 49 sec)

"Come get your fix
A virtual reality
Lolbits an anomaly." While saying he puts his hand on his chest.

"Commonly mistaking for Funtime foxy but he's obviously a wannabe."
While saying that, Y/N looks at FFoxy, smirks at him then wink an eye at him. Making him blush.
"Wabbly out the knees
You wanna see a fix with quality." Y/n glitched Infront of the demon that ran, grabbing his throat, letting his feet dangle. "Me sharping all of my teeth
Purple and orange I'm a beast." Y/n forced the demon to look in his eyes. With an evil smirk plastered on his face.
"I'll make you believe
Chop off your hands and your feet
Cut out your tongue you can't speak."
The demon was scared out of his mind. So Y/N dropped him and said
"I'll put you at peace
How bout I make you a deal
Give me your hands and it's real."
Sign here
On the dotted line
Then your souls mine what a seal." The demon wanted it to be over, so he quickly signed his first and last name on the shiney golden paper that appeared in front of him. And he thought finally..I'll be left alone.. His body shook so bad and ran out of the hotel. Somewhere far away from the hotel, since he knew Y/N was staying there. All he knew was that he wanted to get as far away as possible from the hotel...... but that's what he thought.
Y/N glitched back on stage while glitching back into the girl version of himself.

"LoL it's time to laugh along with
LoL my friends they call me Lolbit
I feel so out of place
Please stand by
Await your deadly fate
(LoL LoL)."
"Glitching through the system
Can't outrun
Better watch your step
If not I'll come
I feel so out of place." Y/n's ears went down for at least 5 seconds as his pats just didn't want to get of his head.  But quickly raised them back up, smiling before saying
"LoL LoL. LoL LoL." ^^
But that didn't go unnoticed by FFoxy and 4 other friends.
Y/n turned back to the boy version of himself. Getting off stage for someone else to perform. While the crowd of demons cheered.

It wasn't supposed to be y/n singing TvT it was supposed to be Foxy.
But I'm making a part 2 for him cause that's what I was SUPPOSED to do in the first place. See ya later my mini dumplings ( ◜‿◝ )♡ <3

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