15||For his Sanity

Start from the beginning


And like from the flip of a switch, her sad hopeless expression dissapeared, immediately replaced by a victorious one.

"Come!" She quipped and spun on her heels, running to the sofa with the gait of an overenthusiastic fox. She fell into it's softness giggled loudly. As Elijah drew nearer she got up on all fours, looking over her shoulder at him, swaying her hips from side to side with a smile.

Elijah ran a hand through his hair. He could bet she hardly noticed how suggestive she looked at the moment, and that position... He was once again glad he had the commendable foresight to immediately take her away from that place.

Just imagining her behaving like this with someone that wasn't him made him pissed beyond belief.

Not everyone had the ability to restrain themselves in the face of something like this.

He'd have to watch her even more closely from now on. If she always got like this when drunk...one didn't even have to imagine the situations she could find herself in.

Elijah came out of his inner musings and returned to the task at hand. Coming to a stop at the edge of the Sofa.

It took almost a full three minutes to get the fabric down her thighs, and almost four to wrestle them off both her ankles.

Elijah wiped a bead of sweat off his forehead, staring down that the fabric in his hands as if it was the devil's spawn. He did not know why women had to submit themselves to the line of torture that was form fitting denim.

His dropped the denim and his eyes quickly darted to the long legs now splayed out on his lap. Sofia had her hands covering her face as she sucked in deep breaths, breathing heavily as if she ran a marathon.

He couldn't understand.

He was the one that had to struggle with her clothes and got the unspoken of idea to cut it off more than once while struggling. Why was she the tired one?

His thought trailed off as he noticed her chest rising and falling, Elijah found it hypnotizing.

Mr Osoro eyes moved from her chest, down her belly, ignoring the hidden area that lied below her abdomen with great difficulty. His gaze continued down her body and were drawn to the legs on his laps. He moved and lightly traced a finger over the dark marks imprinted from the tight fabric, it went down in one line on the inside of her legs up her inner thighs. Sophia sighed as his fingers ran over her legs and he paused, realizing his slip up.

He cursed himself for getting distracted... This was certainly not the time for any of that.

Elijah's hand fell and with a heavy sigh, he leaned his head back, resting it on the sofa. He stared up into the ceiling to prevent his eyes from unnecessarily wandering. He closed his eyes after awhile and they descended into comfortable silence.

He simply waited with his eyes closed for Sophia to leave. Only then would he give himself the small window to think.

A minute passed.

Two minutes... yes, he was indeed counting to distract himself for the feel of her thick shapely thighs spread out on his legs.

Elijah's eyebrows pulled together as he heard her heavy breathing eventually slow down and went back to normalcy. Yet, she did not move.

Was...was she asleep?

He was about to check but quickly gave up on the idea after feeling her body shifting.

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