Chapter 11: A Crack in the Kingdom

Start from the beginning

"I cannot..." she started but inhaled deeply and breathed out. "How long has this been going on?"

"Too long," Marinette admitted.

"You are not going to apologise. If she asks you to, say that Ms Mendeleiev says you don't have to," Aurore instructed.

"How will that work?" Marinette asked.

"Just put your foot down. I will vouch for you. We all will," Aurore said. Oh, if she cried before, Marinette would definitely be crying again soon.

"I don't know what to say," Marinette admitted.

"Don't say anything. Just don't apologise!" Aurore said with a laugh, taking the bag of ruined clothes away from her.

Lunch couldn't have gone fast enough. Marinette decided to go to class early so she wouldn't be cornered again. She took a deep breath, composed herself and make sure that her bag was safely placed between her legs. She didn't need anything going missing again. Speaking of which, she rested her hand on her phone in her pocket. She had checked it before she came in but there was no text about her application. That was either good or bad. But again, she wasn't going to jinx it. The bell finally rang, and the rest of the class poured in. Marinette looked out the window as people took their seats.

"Hey Marinette," a familiar voice said. Marinette turned to see Adrien standing there. He seemed to be hiding some discomfort on his face. Marinette forced a polite smile on her face.

"Hello Adrien," she replied.

"So... I guess it's a good thing you had some spare clothes," he said as he rubbed the back of his head. Was that supposed to be a joke? Marinette could have smacked him.

"I didn't. Aurore helped me out by giving me some of her spare clothes," Marinette said, doing her best to remain calm.

"Oh, that was nice of her," Adrien said with a smile. Not even a 'I'm sorry I didn't help?' or even something to comfort her? Oh, that was it, she was so done with him. How did she ever even like him?

"It was, guess it's good to have a friend who'd do that for me," Marinette said, with a slight tone to it. It was only small but even so, Adrien felt himself flinch. He went to say something else, but Marinette turned her face to the front. Adrien headed back to his seat, slightly deflated as Miss Bustier walked in.

"Hello everyone! I was just having a word with Lila outside and it seems that there was a little incident at lunch time," Miss Bustier said, causing murmuring and for looks to go on Marinette's direction. Lila looked slightly annoyed that Marinette had new clothes, especially ones that seemed quite nice.

"It was Marinette's fault, she made a fool of Lila but not giving her the sheets for the president's role," Alya declared. Morgana twitched in her seat as did Marinette but she remembered what Aurore said.

"I see. What was the reason for Marinette being covered in food?" Miss Bustier asked. Funny how she didn't ask Marinette if she was okay. Man, she sucks, Morgana thought.

"Marinette was just clumsy," Alya said with a wave of her hand.

No one in the class objected but Adrien seemed to shift in his seat slightly. Coward, Morgana thought. Morgana opened her mouth to say something in her character but then she noticed a small look from Marinette. Seems the Queen is moving again, Morgana thought, visualising her chess board.

"Well, Marinette, it was rather unfair of you not to give Lila the sheets. Granted I am glad you have a change of clothes but that was your own fault. Why don't you apologise to her and have a personal meeting with her and go through the rules for her," Miss Bustier said with a smile. Lila looked less than pleased at that last part, but she could twist it to get her way. Marinette was even more less pleased.

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